
I’ll stick with my 95 thank you :)

Fuck off. The amount of art we would have to discard, if we were to discredit those who harboured beliefs we today find abhorrent today, would leave us artistically barren the world over.

Of course it is, it’s NASCAR.

Should be interesting. I’ve usually got conspiracy theories rattling around in my head, despite trying to banish them, but the idea he has been working with the Russians in order to get elected keeps popping in there. I’d assume such collaboration would easily be caught by our intelligence agencies though...

It’s almost as if the money doesn’t actually trickle down at all!

Now playing

This video still amuses me, check out the responses below.

The scale left on the outside from the manufacturing processes comes off, that’s all that is. Anyway since it was not included, here’s what’s happening:

Seriously, the friendship is over with him getting married anyway, why suffer the indignity of his new in-laws rubbing it in?

Neat, but there’s already something that can slay a Hellcat:

Saturday morning, Trump tweeted that Lewis is “all talk” and “no action”—...

“Who in the hell is this Democrat-come-lately to scold Democrats on all they’ve done wrong?”

No, but this bullshit was statistically demonstrably (part of) why so many Democratic voters stayed home and eventually gave this idiot the election. But hey! DNC platform has a living wage in its platform! And we’re indeed farther away from binary politics (unfortunately towards unary. womp womp womp).

This is what

When the topic is Trump’s incompetence and you try to change the topic to how much you hate Hillary Clinton, you are being pretty transparent about where your interests lie. And stop acting like Trump being PEOTUS isn’t your responsibility because you refused to engage. You don’t get to wash your hands of this, you

Love to let him know that I supported Bernie in the primaries because I believed then and still do now that he would have made a far better President than Clinton. Certainly, he was more in my ideological line.

We should be taking a very hard line against Russia. The sanctions are working. Trump will rescind the sanctions for promised cooperation from the Russians that probably won’t ever happen.

You know, I despise Republicans for being either evil or dimwitted, but at least they believe in something. You’re worse then that. We live in a two party system, especially for president. That’s never going to change (except to a one party system). And at the end of the day you can’t even help yourself.

Boy, you are incredibly stupid.

I think it’s entirely arguable that the Republicans of 1974 had a lot more principle and were a lot more subject to shame and media scrutiny than the Republicans of 2017. The one defining feature of the last decade of Republican politics has been absolute tribal partisan loyalty over anything, including any and every

She isn’t the President. Your guy is. You fucked up. Bad. And re-litigating the election isn’t distracting anybody from your role in the dismantling of this country. One thing I can with confidence say of a hypothetical Clinton presidency—when it was over the country would still be around.

“Also, Clinton would have whole-heartedly continued the Wall Street-centric neo-liberal policies of the last 40 years and expanded on economic inequality while also pushing for austerity to win over conservative voters.”