
For your own sake, go take an MSF course. You are talking pure bullshit.

With respect, you are talking bollocks. If the rider had gone to maximum braking straight ahead, eased off and then swerved to the left, he’d have an excelent story, a working motorbike, and a whole skin.

Target fixation has to be trained out, and it’s easy to fall back into.

ATGATT means MSF minimum, not every piece of gear you own. Long pants, long sleeves, gloves, boots over the ankle, helmet. That all, not leathers or a ‘stich. Just cover your fucking skin and put a shell on your bonce. I had an asshole buddy fall off with his nice leather jacket bungied to the seat. You could see

If he did, we know he wasn’t paying attention. He was wearing shorts FFS.

An experienced or educated rider would not have needed to save it. They would have known to brake, then swerve. By following the course of action taught to the riders smart enough to take an MSF course, he would have been able to execute maximum braking in a straight line, seen which way the roll was trending, and

Oh yes there are. Lots of them. Especially if you have, you know, lady parts.

I hope your take away lessons here are:

I swear, as I scrolled by the story the 1st time, I thought “oh, that’s a nice blue they’ve painted that Mustang.”

No, actually they don’t have the slightest clue. I’ve worked with Lockheed Martin IT and they were so scattered they made the NYC MTA look like they had it together.

GM will outsource making vans so that they can sell more pickup trucks to people like the idiot in the picture who bought a pick up to pull a trailered load that would have fit inside a van.

That’s the weird part. I learned how to ride a bike on the streets of NYC so a helmet was something I was going to use no matter the law, but I tried riding w/o a helmet a few years later on a NH backroad and hated it. Even with wraparound shades the tears were streaming, and the wind noise was enough to deafen me. I

It’s nice, it’s just not nice price. For that kind of money I want the Fox body wagon equivalent.

There is a device in all (afaik) train cabs called a ‘deadman’ that requires the train driver to hold it down to enable the train throttle control. If the deadman is realeased, the train goes into emergency braking. When he got up to run, the train went to ‘full stop.’

So, by your standards Eisenhower was a communist. Got it.

Slow car fast, light is right, yadda yadda. Still, he’s right.

Now playing

That may well be the scariest car engine, from probably the scariest class of cars ever, but I think that the 500cc 4 cylinder 2stroke GP motors that were making nearly 400hp/liter by the early 90's might be even scarier overall. They sounded pretty angry in person.

For that one, you take the thing that came out (you’re replacing that, right?) and using a grinder or file, put a notch in the threads along the axis if the fastener, and run it in and out a couple of times. The notch will scrape the threads clean.

Yes, chase your crusty threads, but don’t use taps and dies. They’re for cutting new threads. Using a tap and die can cut the threads undersized. Use a thread chaser.
