
I has an 1100 Sabre with that fairing and it was horrible. The vacuum behind it at speed felt like a large person leaning on you, pushing you forward. OTOH, that CBX would look great naked, the miles are low, no signs of abuse or scuffs, I’ll go NP.

I was with you until the 3rd comma.

The other way around, maybe? The Tin Goose was born in 1926; Aunty Ju not until 1931.

You’ll want to get that inspected b4 you meet a state trooper. It get$ $o that the co$t i$n’t worth the delay.

It is best to be done with racing before racing is done with you.

This may be a bit of an unpopular opinion, but I think that motorcycles are a the sort of thing that you either must do, or should not. For me, it is a compulsion. If you don’t feel that riding is something that you must do, maybe you shouldn’t. If you are on the fence, take an MSF course. If it doesn’t absolutely set

Yeah, I had a 1st gen Aveo rental once, and it was a truly hatefull car. Almost as bad as that Ford Aspire rental...

Oh, I thought that was the euphemism to use to avoid calling my bike old.

Yep. They ran that test in NY a couple of decades ago, and anywhere a man can be topless, so can a woman. IOW, they don’t even need the paint.

...and won’t look outdated in three years.

Go and look at the MCN picture and you will see a man questioning his choices in life. That test rider doesn’t look like it’s a good day at work for him.

It was for richie riches to stand around and try to impress each other and the poors with how much cooler their stuff is, and get all anorak about the originality of the antique stuff.

Kinja’d again. Sry.

Then does not equal than.

Now that’s just not fair, picking on H-D’s like that. It’s a little known fact that half the Harleys ever made are still on the road today. The other half got home fine.

...or a proper sidecar outfit.

I’m pretty sure those are union workers building those rollers.

Except for the fact that I was visiting the locals party, the one they threw for themselves, you’d be right.

I think you’ve missed my point. Maybe part of the problem is that they do spend all of their time dealing with tourists, so when the race fans come, it’s just another weekend, and boy we miss those golfers. You can have a party without yelling and assholes, you know.

Don’t cry about not getting the races if you don’t want the fans. They don’t want the fans, and I don’t want to go anymore. I’ll spend my money elsewhere. It’s too bad for SCRAMP, though. They do their best, and it’s pretty good.