
Sorry, I’ll take my sarcasm detector in for a tune up! How the english language got to be such a mashup is always amazing to me. We’ll steal anybodies words, file the numbers off and call it our own.

Really, they are just the small tip of a very large iceberg.

Well if you call being conquered getting along, I guess so. It was when the Normans conquered England that the difference came. 1066 and all that. The Normans, being from Normandy, spoke French. Thus bouff and mouton and venesoun became the beef and mutton and venison of the lords, while the Saxon peasants tending the

Nope - not a waste. It’s all about jobs, jobs, jobs profit, profit profit... FTFY.

Would have been a ton cheaper.

No, they only do that if you gain an advantage. He lost places, so that’s his penalty. Moto3 is so awsome that the lead group of 7 finished in the same 0.5 seconds, and battled for the win every single lap from green to checkered. If you like racing it’s a great race to watch every time.

You need help, Shmoo. No one has taken anything from you. Everything that was yours on Thursday is still yours. There isn’t a bucket of rights in the basement of the supreme court that’s about to go empty. Freedom shared is freedom multiplied. You haven’t lost anything. Look, I’m straight, but not narrow, and the only

How on earth is treating everyone the same anti equality? This time I’m going to quote Inego Montoya: “You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.”

She has 85 million dollars. She’s not worth it.

“The legitimate powers of government extend to such acts only as are injurious to others. But it does me no injury for my neighbour to say there are twenty gods, or no god. It neither picks my pocket nor breaks my leg.” Thomas Jefferson. So, the haters could make no argument that marriage equality harmed them. If

I know it’s pedantic bullshit, and I love that image, but the two missing commas are really bothering me.

The states have no right to rule themselves in a manner that is not in accordance with the constitution. The constutution guarantees equal protect and rights under the law. Too bad for the haters.

It’s General Glee!

Oh, yes we need to spend more, of course, because we can’t possibly defend ourselves with only 37% of the entire worlds military spending, paid for by 4.5% of the world’s population. Let me guess, you’re a deficit hawk, too?

We here in the USA carry the cost of 37% of the world’s total military spending. That’s not enough? Jesus H. Christ on a crutch. Eisenhower was right.

Looks like a BMW with a funny grill. I don’t mean that in a good way.

Good. That’s what he deserves for driving like a asshat.

I’m sorry I only have one star for this.