You really need to travel.
He's wearing an anorak. From wiki: "Strictly speaking, an anorak is a waterproof, hooded, pull-over jacket without a front opening, and sometimes drawstrings at the waist and cuffs"
Apart from the aqueduct, the sanitation, and the roads, what have those Romans ever done for us?
"Taken into custody" is just long way of saying "arrested." If you aren't free to go about your activities because of a cop, you've been arrested. They were arrested but not booked or charged.
Unless you're ok with unarmed men executed for jaywalking - Hey it's what that fine upstanding public servant "felt like he needed to do," right?
Oh, I don't know. How about the end of Jim Crow, school, workplace and military integration, expansion of voting rights.....
The Prius really isn't a quirky statement car. My folks have one and it's just a 55mpg appliance - roomy enough, as quick as any other dd shitbox, and 110mph easy on top. WTF more do you want? Oh, and I'd go for the Fiesta in a heartbeat.
It pisses me off that we only get the 4-door versions of the Fiesta here in the USA...
Oh balls. Drum brakes work fine as rear brakes for ordinary garden variety daily drivers. Don't be a techno snot.
3% of ( Bill + Tip ) = 3% of Bill + 3% of tip. The distributive law of multiplication. IOW it doesn't cost any more to swipe twice. That said, the parasites should stop robbing their money makers.
Exactly. Black and Tan is $20 a case out the door at the distributor. I defy you to find a better beer for $.83 a can.
Then get the fuck outa our civilization, barbarian.
Taxation. The price of civilization.
Considering that we've blown enough money on a fighter jet we don't need and doesn't work to buy every single homeless person in the entire country a 1/2 million $ mansion, I don't think we're getting what we paid for at all.
They can't keep gangs out of supermax prisons. How do you propose to take the gangs apart w/o turning the entire country into a supermax, and still failing? Prohibition of alcohol created the mafia in this country, prohibition of drugs has done the same with SA gangs. The only way to take the gangs apart is to make…
They can't keep drugs out of a supermax prison. How do you propose to keep them out of the country?
I don't know where you got the idea that NJ doesn't do vehicle inspections. From personal experience, they do, and they are a royal PITA about it, too.…