Only God Shammgod Can Judge Me

I had forgotten about it until that dick decided to bring it up for no reason.

One of the most bothersome things about the racist right-wing White is the way they deny the reality of other people. Instead of just saying what he means: “fuck what Indians think,” he’s gotta pretend that “I haven’t met a single Native American yet that thinks it’s racist.”

Would you happen to be an oppressed white male? Cause you sound like one. Too bad nothing ever goes in your favor. This country has never given you people a fair shake.

I had balls on the biggest stage and I didn’t win championship football games. I am in a database now, though.

Someday, hopefully with enough education, you’ll understand your privileged place in this society and that all things are not equal. The term racism does not apply to honesty about what the White race as a whole is responsible for. Racism is a tool of oppression used by the White race that has been quite effective in

I don’t know what you’re agreeing or disagreeing with, but you being a racist ass is pretty self-evident. I’m also a white man brother so I don’t know what your point with all that nonsense is.

Oh shocking, you’re a white man that’s “sick of all the whining about black people being special.” Yeah, you’re not racist dude. For sure. All lives matter, I got you.

This article is about Trump’s thoughts on Black History Month. So you can stay on topic and shut your racist ass up.

Wtf is this comment? Is this sarcasm? What is this?

And yet, it’s still happening.

Or you could blame the Party that smashed the candidacy of the non-corporate candidate the people wanted. But sure, go ahead and point the finger at one dude fighting for real, actual principles. I’m sure he’s the asshole in your former friendship.

This right here is the sentiment of primarily White, “liberal people,” for whom this country has always been pretty good. Your cognition was never affected by the years of the Democratic Party slowly becoming a less effective version of the Republican Party, so you felt okay giving them your vote year after year.

Dude...you tapped into my exact thought after seeing that. I still use RabbitsareQueers as most usernames.

As they say, can’t make a nuclear holocaust without a few cracked eggs.

The celebrity wore a “Make America Great Again” hat and said it would be great if Trump became President. You can’t do shit like that if you don’t want to talk about politics.

No, the fact that millions of Americans voted for a sexual assaulting, racist megalomaniac who is willfully ignorant of facts and is hellbent on turning back the clock on social progress is why the country is so fucked up.

I get it, you’re an alpha male. Kudos.

Yes, avoiding a physical fight with a giant retarded person is a “pussy” move in Trump’s America. Sad.

Too hip.   

Hey Trump, you spend too much time on the Internet. Sad.