“The choking”...yes, he was about to pass out. It was so vicious. Very close to completed strangulation.
“The choking”...yes, he was about to pass out. It was so vicious. Very close to completed strangulation.
Still hilarious corporate reference all these years later.
Such a damaging blow too huh?
She does need to have a word with herself about her own behavior. And a court of law needs to have a word with him about his...and that’s how it should work when one person shoves in the chest and the other punches in the face.
You are a piece of shit. I hope the next time you rear end someone they hop out and shoot you. Only fair in your world. You started it.
There was that one.
List of feelings experienced by Jon Ryan after learning of this play call (in chronological order):
To recap, the President-Elect of the most powerful country on earth thinks pro wrestling is real, but global warming is a hoax...is this the real apocalypse though?
Man oh man...and the award for condescending yet thoroughly pointless comment goes to...
In that I wasted time replying to someone with no capacity for critical thought? A little. I should know better. Every second is valuable.
Hey shit for brains, this isn’t a sports competition where one team wins and the other graciously accepts defeat. It’s our lives and the fate of the world at stake. When your values are under attack you fight against it. Every fuckin day.
No, but we can add stupid ass Democrats like yourself that want nothing better for this country than to settle for the lesser of two evils in a corporate plutocracy? You think we lose our right to protest and fight against fascism because we stand for something not represented in our current political system?…
Bernie Sanders would have won.
And this mentality is what’s stopping progressives from doing better than Hillary. Blame the actual enemies that are responsible for Donald Trump being our President (people that voted for Donald Trump). Not people that have values deeper than what the goddamn DNC shoves down our throats. You’re dead to me, settling…
Do you feel it makes you less racist because you say “thug” instead of “n******?” Cause it doesn’t. Just go all out with it. Do you.
“Jill the scammer’s fake gofundme page.”
No, no you’re not a “pinko lefty.” And Hillary is not a “pinko lefty.” You are both typical American Democrats, who are politically right of center according to any objective definition of world politics.
I have no legal experience whatsoever , but I have experience being a human being on planet Earth seeing countless people get convicted of second degree murder for far less in escalation of fight type incidents. If I can carry a gun and use it against anyone I get mad at out in the world, so long as I didn’t know I…
To all the law enforcement defenders, stand your grounders, 2nd amendment nuts, and those with a general disdain for the deadspin audience down there in the comments: I don’t know if you’re aware of this, but this country has a long history of racism and associated violence without punishment. And it has a long…
I get what you’re saying, but firing 3 bullets above the waist from point blank range requires intent. That’s trying to end someone’s life. So it really comes down to arguing self-defense vs. 2nd degree murder. I don’t get where manslaughter comes in.