Just like all those fools that could be playing hockey, basketball, football etc... Why bother watching it on the TV?
Just like all those fools that could be playing hockey, basketball, football etc... Why bother watching it on the TV?
Logitech G710+ with brown switches is the absolute best keyboard there is hands down for a quieter mechanical keyboard. Otherwise there’s the Razor black widow stealth series keyboards.
Logitech G710+ with brown switches is the absolute best keyboard there is hands down for a quieter mechanical…
I have this exact printer and I love it. It’s fast, has lots of features, is easy to use and very reliable. I use recycled toner carts I get on Amazon for less than twenty bucks a pop; they work fine and last forever. My only criticism is that the LCD display is tiny and not backlit; it’s very hard to read. Other than…
I have this exact printer and I love it. It’s fast, has lots of features, is easy to use and very reliable. I use…
You don’t understand, he’s more upset than you, so we have to agree with him.
Don’t misunderstand my feelings that they should be allowed to hold their opinions as me agreeing with them. I think the game is fine personally, but it doesn’t mean I think people who disagree should be shut down.
Added wrinkle: the book was basically advocating the militarism and fascism that the movie mocks. So Verhoeven’s satire wasn’t just trolling Hollywood and the viewer, he was trolling Heinlein’s source material as well.
Oh trust me, we make up for it with overpriced data plans.
Oh trust me, we make up for it with overpriced data plans.
Editor: Just one last change to the book, Steve.
It’s like that with most “passion” jobs. But actors and athletes get a following and a union to ensure they get paid.
Ok and where’s the option?
“Never loan anybody your pickup truck.” is a lesson that needs to be burned into the brains of anyone who buys a pickup. Just by it’s nature, anybody who wants to use your truck is not asking for it because they need to transport a cardboard box filled with lace dollies. They’re going to beat that thing like a rented…
THANK YOU! I was hoping there was a cheap alternative to the overpriced 70 dollar Thermapen.
THANK YOU! I was hoping there was a cheap alternative to the overpriced 70 dollar Thermapen.
I have one. It’s helping me conquer my fear of overcooking meat, and thanks to its fast read this Sunday was the first time I ever nailed the doneness of our burgers. Also, they do look pretty cute stuck to the fridge.
I have one. It’s helping me conquer my fear of overcooking meat, and thanks to its fast read this Sunday was the…
If you’re really sincere and interested, and not just getting ranty because something annoys you, then there’s a lot of reading you can do about Asian-American identity, masculinity, toxic masculinity and a lot of the ways Asian men in American culture try and deflect or cope with a society that tries very hard to…
But I hear the term racism thrown around as if it’s somehow worse than regular bullying. The thing is it isn’t. People need to understand that society as a whole, particularly when forced into a microcosm like a school, especially when it’s young, immature children, is horrible and monstrous.
What did I just read?
They can’t all be keyboard finger strength champions like you.