We've all shaken a fitness tracker or two in our lives to beat the system. But now, Pornhub is making a wearable mean…
We've all shaken a fitness tracker or two in our lives to beat the system. But now, Pornhub is making a wearable mean…
"I didn't steal 'em!" Hajime joked, showing off his receipt. He then got very excited, saying, "I'm going to change history!"
should North Americans be insulted that robot with the monotonous voice in that video called Emma Stone Emma Watson at 0:09?
My job did this a few years ago. It's a federal government office. On the menu was "chitterlings and maw" and something called "Hopping John." Yes, this was all planned by non-Blacks.
When I got the opportunity to write this column, I was super excited and also concerned. I’m not good at giving…
Some of the worst bullying I ever received when I was young came from Christian kids who slurped up their parents' dogma and convinced themselves that anyone who didn't believe what they believed was destined to go to Hell.
He reads like a sociopath from beginning to end.
Heh. The funny thing about that is that I am a rocket scientist. Also took shop class in high school, so there's that.
swirling secretions from a beaver's anal glands around in your mouth.
the Food Babe Presents:
You know what chemical in food really scares me? That DHMO, dihydrogen monoxide. Scary stuff.
I don't know, doing the bidding of their corporate owners is kinda what our congress does best. See the Tax Code for example.
Yes, not literally fired. I suppose I could have typed "fired" to indicate so but it bugs me to air quote a word to indicate that it's not what it actually means. Feels too much like using the word "literal" figuratively, which I have a secret hate for...
I feel terrible for those meat-eater people because there is nowhere else in NYC to get a meat-based meal.
I get my lump charcoal for pretty damn cheap at my local Mexican supermarket.
My wife has a 2009 Fit, I am aware of how noisy Hondas are, but also how bulletproof they are.
I have a DSG VW as I feel that the technology is finally maturing in this segment with VW. I have to commute from San Jose to Palo Alto every day, so I feel you on the commute. Well, maybe it isn't AS bad as the Bay Bridge commute.
If, Say Verizon, decides to pass the cost along to you in a special fee or a plain ole rate hike then you will go to sprint or tmo or whomever is remaining cheaper. This is the awesome part about competition. If they all collude together to keep rates high or raise them that's called a cartel and is against the law in…
Ford's not putting a twin clutch on the car has nothing to do with what "enthusiats" want. It has everything to do with the fact that they never developed a good twin clutch transmission. Their DCT barely handles 160hp in the regular Focus.