
Ford's not putting a twin clutch on the car has nothing to do with what "enthusiats" want. It has everything to do with the fact that they never developed a good twin clutch transmission. Their DCT barely handles 160hp in the regular Focus.

Man, I ain't even stressin'. By the time this comes out as an official release (sometime in 2016, as other comments have noted), I'll be playing it on my Hololens powered by a photon-entangled chip. Specs won't even be an issue.

Just remember, these are NOT (normal) Android tablets. Rooting is next to impossible, and forget about custom ROMs. They will run Android apps, but if it's not in the Amazon App Store, it'll probably have to be sideloaded. NO GOOGLE PLAY STORE. NO GOOGLE APPS (no gmail, no calendar, no Google Now... ) Blah blah blah.

Just remember, these are NOT (normal) Android tablets. Rooting is next to impossible, and forget about custom ROMs.

The Windows client is totally functional but lacks the polish found on the OS X client. Admittedly, it seems they've put out a few updates an update that I hadn't noticed... because the version checker in 1Password 3 has been telling me I've been running the latest version (I have not).

1Password #FTW

and this is why i dont like grinds in any kind of game. theyre silly and cheap and dont bring anything of value to the game unless you want to test your patience at doing something easy / uninteresting for longs periods of time

while his parents defend him as a good kid "who's made some mistakes."

Holy shit. I'm sorry they treated you so poorly, but this is full of win:

I was working in medical supplies. I brought in about ten million dollars a month for my company and did the order processing, billing and sterilization of medical supplies. Also set up the builds with the product manager and handled inventory with 7 international warehouses, the smallest of which had over 2 million

I was waiting to get into school, living back home for the first time since I was 17. I needed a job to keep me busy as shit, on a different time schedule than my folks as we barely got along. So I took a job working for Target, stocking shelves at night.

My best quitting story happened when I was working at a coffee place on my university campus. I had worked there for two years before I quit. The main reason I quit was because of this one girl. She was a terror. She would call people: stupid fucking bitches, dumb cunt, homophobic slurs, etc. She also was lazy as hell

Well, I went ahead and purchased one thanks to all of the good intel from the boards here.

Well, I went ahead and purchased one thanks to all of the good intel from the boards here.

I've been using the H&R Block program for a while after choosing it over TurboTax. When I was looking, it seemed to me they approached the information collection process differently.

I've been using the H&R Block program for a while after choosing it over TurboTax. When I was looking, it seemed

One year I used the free versions of both. They honestly were nearly the same thing, but I liked H&R Block better so I've stuck with that the past few years. FWIW, the Amazon reviews for H&R block are definitely higher than those for Turbo Tax.

One year I used the free versions of both. They honestly were nearly the same thing, but I liked H&R Block better so

Many varieties of DDoS attacks happen much lower in the OSI model. It doesn't matter if you are using LDAP authentication when you are getting hammered by SSDP. Your uplink and edge router are already flooded.

If your router that controls your network is barraged by gigabyters per second of bad data and a little bit of good data then there is no easy way for the bad data to be quickly picked out. You have to slowly (by computer standards) go through the data, sift out what is known good and pass it on...but you probably

If what LizardSquad said is true about the size of the attack, then frankly no amount of extra spending would have protected Sony anyway.

Yeah play games on my PC.

Wait, get this: I wash MENSTRUAL PADS with my clothes! How fucking gross is that? How bout this: you are constantly shedding skin, hair, and fluids and your clothes soak up most of it. EW! Time for disposable clothes. I hope some of those paper dresses survived the 60s.

Well, man and lady juices on undies/towels/sheets are sometimes the consistency of snot, and you wash those, right? So it's a *wash*.