
I’m hoping then that you didn’t have to take it to the curb and they came and got it because if you took it to the curb its your fault.

Do all drivers use the same wheel or do they swap out the wheel when a different driver takes over?

back in the early 2000's the roller broke on our Caprice and my dad spent hours designing and making a replacement and it worked great. few years later when i had the car and it broke on a different window i bought the redesign front eh dealer for like 3 bucks lol

My dad bought me an old traffic light. he rewired it and everything so it works. Now i need to figure out where to put it lol

OOPS 2012

I liked the Prowler and thought they were neat as heck until about 1012 when i drove one and learned the sad sad truth behind it. still think it looks cool but its tarnished now. never drive your hero.

Did you really put your registration sticker in the middle of your plate instead of the corner?

I once got Mozzarella sticks with my dinner at Applebees

Rayman but no Spyro?

If it makes you feel better i’m 31 and like 8 months and have just now, reading your comment, made that connection.

I’ve heard of this before but please tell me more about this
“Hell, they wouldn’t even spring for two separate bulbs for the in-dash turn indicator blinker arrows—” 

I just wish that the caution laps at the end of the stage didn’t count. like the stage ends don’t count the laps til it goes green again.

Except that i usually want to change temperature while i’m moving and not at a red light. Its stupid that i should have to go through touch screen menus to do that rather than just hit a button or turn a knob.

Britney is more fun dancy music where as Christina has a better voice for singing “meaningful/deep” songs so it really depends on mood.

“Yeah, coming to you live from the heart of UAW country - Southeast Michigan - I can tell you this absoutely never happened. In fact, the OPPOSITE happened, when after the 2008 economic meltdown the Union bent over backwards to keep GM and Chrysler afloat.”

Its too bad NBC messed up the coverage and missed the start and made us change the channel twice to watch it.

Rossi will win the championship. Rossi has been to good at road courses this year. Dixon has luck but i think he used it all up last race.

Eisenhower.   I like Ike.

Wait whats that about landing gear?

That was the most cartoony sounding real crash i think I’ve ever seen/heard