
The plot points he references are mostly old... AFAIK the “story” has moved well past these characters. It is just a bad manga overall, the art is borderline amateur and story is extremely convoluted. It’s basically an excuse to give people arthropod powers and have them fight.

The lack of comments is very telling.

The Souls series has a theme of death and despair, medieval setting, and overall feeling like you’re very small fighting against overwhelming power. In this sense, it is similar to Berserk.

Same here. What makes no sense is, forums and such already established “PM” (private message) as the term for, well, private messages. Why did they change it to DM?

Yes she literally deserved it.

This is pretty much what I do on non-public toilets (those public johns can flush nigh anything).

Agreed. This article is poorly organized IMO but essentially I think it’s asking the creators of Cuphead to include some POC as a counter to the historically racist medium.

Nostalgia is a powerful drug.

“Omae wa mō shindeiru.”

Be excited, they’re gonna explain how Eren became a Titan/where Grisha has been.

Isn’t he just insufferable? I wish kinja had a block feature (stupid kinja, lacks basic feature) so I didn’t have to see his self-absorbed op-eds on every fucking article. He’s the kind of guy who scratches his ballsack, holds the same hand to his nose and then deeply inhales.

I think the comparison of the two could’ve been expressed in a more complex or concise way. The last few paragraphs read very repetitive and drawn out for the simple conclusion.

Dbz’s “ki” is distinguished in the show from traditional “chi”. Chakra and chi are both real life terms (Chakra being more yoga, and Chinese qi/chi), while ki is a made up term from dbz.

ESA is not the same as a service animal (dog). The reason you’re seeing them everywhere is because people don’t know the difference between the two. ESA has no legal standing at all, service animals do.

Meanwhile, ALL of the MH fans besides you have been waiting for an HD console refresh.

It gets worse. The hotel is trying to cover it all up as an accident because they don’t want the bad PR of a rape/murder happening in their establishment. 

In the Facebook live video her friend says they sold her as an easy lay (rape) for $200 to a hotel staff

She said it because he called her a young man and she’s a girl. In her words, Randall, you’re a fucking idiot.

All the weebs have to start with Amigara Fault. They are then eligible to proceed with the better works of Junji-kun.

lol what a weeb. try Uzumaki, then get back to us