just banish him to the greys where he belongs. jackasses like him will just stay on their soapboxes until they miss their potty break and end up spewing shit.
just banish him to the greys where he belongs. jackasses like him will just stay on their soapboxes until they miss their potty break and end up spewing shit.
It isn’t “murder begetting murder”, it is murder, followed by a complete removal of the problem
People aren’t cancer, they’re people. Rehabilitation is the only humane course of action. Murder begetting murder solves nothing, and it is extremely naive and ignorant to say you’re better than these people and they deserve to be put down like animals.
Thank you for this. More people need to have a forgiving and compassionate mindset, particularly but not exclusively for the youth.
Hey everyone, I got a guy over here who’s never fucked up before! His sheet’s whiter than snow!
Look at that grey racist troll who replied to you. When you make exceptions to human dignity, you are as bad as him. The world’s problems only exacerbate with a “fuck that guy” mentality.
Hyrule Historia is a book released by Nintendo that maps out the timelines. They are very much canon even in the games. Twilight Princess for example has a character who is essentially implied to be a disgraced Majora’s Mask Link, the Hero of Time.
But is his degree the reason for his promotion? Did the promoting manager say so or imply it? I’m not trying to knock you, but I’ve had excellent walks in the forest with lesser educated people (Puerto Rican guy with an associate’s in hospitality) or even just myself and had a wonderful time. Degrees aren’t…
These days I run most “articles” through archive.is if I think they’re a waste of a click or shady. If it’s not I just go to the URL.
I think what he’s saying is, a list is helpful and very much wanted by those of us at work. So frustrating to have much of your GizMedia time spent in a place that is not video friendly, when many articles are just a reshare of a video. Atleast with a list we can still get the information.
Interesting response. I am not white, but I strongly identify with white culture in many aspects since I was raised “American”, am light skinned, and fortunate enough to have never experienced much racism, and I do not identify much at all with my ethnic heritage. In the same vein my child’s mother is white but has…
Is that sarcasm?
Lee modern series extreme motion tapered leg.
Lee modern series extreme motion tapered leg.
Whiskey-fuelled snow-buried Accord guy wins, hands down.
you know alan left a few weeks back, right?
Hey, there isn’t always news just pouring out of Japan. Sometimes it’s a slow news day, but dammit he’s gotta fill the front page.
I’m sitting at a red light on a shitty road that turns into 1 lane after the light. Jackass driving an old SUV in the right turn lane floors it to cut me off. This road is so shitty that it switches between one and two lanes up to 4 times, so I bide my time through the first switch, and at the second switch I ride his…
Looks like some kind of freaky Hot Wheels toy.
that was weak af, how disappointing. here I thought she was going to get blasted but she literally dominated him, and he just stutters and gets cut off. he clearly lost, to say otherwise is pathetic.