Daughter can pay for food, phone, transportation, etc. Parent can pay for tuition.
Daughter can pay for food, phone, transportation, etc. Parent can pay for tuition.
It’s interesting though, Blizzard seemingly has decided that players get to decide what is and isn’t a dick move, in this case a few of the mods even seem to accept these bans.
Did it go to court?
This was painful to read. Reminds me of when I had a chance to go on a date with a 10 and pussed out.
Well what do you expect, it’s not a compact SUV.
Lol thanks, I’m new at everything cars haha. Been reading Jalop for a few months now, maybe this time next year I’ll know how to car properly.
Lol thanks, I’m still learning to car.
I definitely like this look as well!
Note to self: if ever buying a Mustang, get 2016
They may be confusing it with Madoka Magicka
it didn’t take me a day to realize I should wait before jumping on. there are so many unknowns about this on sole and the games it may or may not have, and Nintendo has a poor track record.
only thing that needs to be said: zelda’s eyebrows are on fleek.
Is $kaycog a female? I always imagined a man in his 40s-50s.
I thought if your baby is crying it has to be checked.
Did O’hare last summer, had no issues other than the insane traffic at the Arrivals pickup.
Yes if I recall correctly it was blowing up the sales charts.
Yes if I recall correctly it was blowing up the sales charts.
Gawker writers never admit wrongdoing, they are faultless.
good job for oprah!
I never tried one but have heard they work wonders. One question, I thought booze weakened your immune system?