
nice opinion. now i know whose articles to avoid. the list grows!

Ah, I forgot about insurance, I was too dumbstruck by the sheer ignorance and stupidity I had just seen.

I hope the museum sues the shit out of them. Although I have to admit I don't think a clock museum has that kind of dough.

Asian tourists are weird. I used to see them all the time, but it was not in the context where they could touch something.

Uh oh. Don’t these lists usually accompany a resignation..?

It’s about Peter Thiel’s relation to FB. It’s also hilarious because their attempts to affect Zuck’s leviathan are entirely and completely futile. Gawker will sink, and they’re grasping at anything they think will help them stay afloat, but attacking FB is not one.

Hahaha! Sounds a lot like my mutt, especially the all familiar REVENGE PISSING xD

Lmao. You hate LA and Alissa Walker shamefully promotes it. It’s a delicate balance.

Sounds like a handful! Some of those problems I've dealt with concerning my mutt, but I don't think I could handle all the brushing.

Are they mean? I love the look of them but hear they're mean.

If mobility is different from flexibility why is this "FILED TO: FLEXIBILITY"? : P

You may have a point there, judging by his reaction to your strong opinion on child rearing.

Dude chill, i get you are defensive of your children, but he wasn’t belittling you. He didn’t insult you, he said he wouldn’t have done that himself and he gave reasons. I think you both have valid points.

Alright people wrap it up, shut it down, COTD right here.

I forgot this video existed. How apt of an analogy!

You said it yourself, they outed him publicly and brutally.

It’s like watching a big bad Legal Fees dragging their screaming four year old News Aggregator to his room of Bankruptcy.

LOL I know gawker is going down kicking and screaming, but to post this thinking anyone would turn against Facebook because of it?

I don't own a gun, but I'd get one for *fun* because to me it would be an elaborate hobby. Likewise, I would teach my unborn child how to handle such a hobby, and also keep it out of his reach because I am super tall and can touch the back of the refrigerator.

but is it a brown paper bag or a plastic grocery bag, are the dicks just penile shafts or the balls too, are they erect or flaccid, should he eat them all at once or one by one, does he have to chew, these are the tough questions