
She may not be a part of the particular email group discussed in the article, sure, but tweets like this show she was definitely part of another email group with many of the same people. It’s a dodge on Bernstein’s part.

This was shocking to me too- and then I remembered that the “liberal media” doesn’t really exist and never did.

In the immortal words of Dennis Green, Vice is who we thought they are.

But the thing isn’t winning and it never was. (Frankly, I was a little surprised that Thiel won, but since he was out for blood he was probably willing to do whatever it took.) Really, this is about making legitimate journalism the subject of requests for TROs/injuctions and defamation suits so it can’t be published.

Trust me, I have read it. I’ll grant that he never says outright women shouldn’t hold these roles, he only implies it with every half-assed unresearched conclusion he reaches.

I didn’t read it on Gizmodo, and I don’t remember seeing any working hyperlinks, just the occasional footnote which he used to explain his bullshit in greater detail.

Mea culpa. I just hate them so bad. Their brand of pseudo-intellectual xenophobia is just one that is particularly sour to me, because I was exactly the same kind of edgelord when I was a teenager. I was one of those dipshits who toyed with casual-to-blatant racism/sexism and used deeply flawed “scientific studies”

I did read it. It makes a whole bunch of bald assertions about the biological differences between men and women, and then leans on those assertions as evidence why men are more suited to high-stress jobs in the tech industry than women are. It’s pseudo-intellectual prejudiced horseshit on the level of something like

Oh fuck off. I’ve read the fucking memo, and it is absolutely anti-diversity and pro-misogyny. The dude is a fucking moron who should have his degree stripped for being a fucking ignoramus.

I don’t remember playing this fun game.

Really? That’s all you took away from what he said, that he made a joke that’s been made too many times?

From TV Tropes:

Phones are not the issue — a Lego buttcheek is like 70 percent hole, where is the mass necessary for a dial?

Couldn't they have hired an autistic actor for this like Speechless hired someone with CP? It's a high-functioning character so theoretically a high-functioning actor could've taken direction. Hell they could've found an autistic person to write/consult. I wonder what the reference was here. Maybe a parent of an

Is it anymore worse than Rain Man? Because, seriously, fuck Rain Man! Not all us autistic people got magic powers, unless you count crippling agoraphobia and depression a magic power.

Eh, they're not mutually exclusive, I'm autistic / an aspie and the guy he describes sounds like kind of a dick. I do relate to getting insanely overcompetitive about board games, I had to learn to rein that in.

Sounds like Glow is still the best new Netflix series this summer.

The Children
For people who claim that family is the most important thing in their lives, the Hendricksons sure treat their kids as second class citizens. Keeping the secret of polygamy is more important than their childrens' emotional stability
Case in point: Barbara was relieved that Teenie was a bad influence to her

Well it's not all that different from a soap opera except better scripted, shot, paced, and performed. I'm so glad the show is back, it reminds me why I pay for HBO. Anyway, will Bill's brother be the one to convince Sarah to embrace polygamy? Will Anna and Margene blur the line and start "dating" each other? Please?

Big Love
for a show that started with such promise, it seems like season 2 became such a soap opera. I'll give 3 a chance but I want more than after each episode thinking "man, I'm glad I only have one crazy wife."