
I was joking with my friend the other day that I thought it’d be hilarious if Snyder just trolled everyone with like a couple of those silent-movie cue cards where they explain something that’s happening only and they said things like “3 minute scene with Darkseid explaining his interest in Earth” and other such stuff.

Yeah, I always assumed it was “finished” in the sense the Donner Cut of Superman 2 was “finished”: You could cut a full movie together based on filmed footage, but it didn’t have the typical post-production work done since, you know, he left before the thing was done.

Removed my comment because I think Titular below does a far better job getting at some of the issues.

As annoyed as I am by the central conceit of her position, the fact that Dr. Disrespect has any audience at all makes me livid beyond belief. WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE THAT WATCH HIM?! I only hear about him whenever Kotaku covers him, but he’s the fucking worst.

Ah, but what if the sample size were TWO playoff games? The sample has literally doubled in size! Check and mate sir.

“Jackson is more mobile than Michael Vick ever was AND is arguably a better thrower than him now.”

“If it involves remastering the first Mass Effect game to at least vaguely resemble the others in terms of combat”

Isn’t it free to play this weekend too?

Laughed really hard at the Kratos thing. 

It's not being cynical to recognize them for what they are. Like you, I didn't think much of them when I first encountered them. They felt logical for Lara to move forward. It's only when you realize that entire parts of the island are hidden behind them and that they are the only way through, it starts to feel

All this has happened before and will happen again.

Literally every time I see one of those articles, Zack, I think, “Oh God, what has he done?”


Its all gear based. I stacked everything into assassin and would one shot everything but the  hardiest of enemies. But it'll take a long time for you to get to the point. 

I’d be more snarky about your comment if the U.S. didn’t generally reward similar “ends justify the means” behavior. Because it does though...

Yeah, I played it last year and it was ROUGH before the mods (and really just “good” with them). But I’m also 15 years removed from the release of the game so...not totally fair. I’m sure I’d be less thrilled with Half-Life 2 if I played it for the first time last year than I was when I played.

As 2Fast2War indicated, it’s 100% based off the love of the first Bloodlines. The funny thing about Bloodlines is that, when it was released, it was a bastardized version of the game. It was only with mods that it became the game people always treated it as and, even then, I didn’t finish it. It was fun and all but

I know. The argument the other person picked with you was so dumb.

Oh, I’m with you on the kid thing. But I thought the good bye was nice and then the way it led to Aya. I’m in the midst of my first Origins play through though so I don’t know where everything ends up.

All I want is for them to keep the ability to jump off whatever cliff you want and not die. Yeah, it’s not realistic, but it sure makes transversing areas a lot more fun.