Ugh, Windows Store!
Ugh, Windows Store!
Oh Battlefield. I will buy you soon, I promise. It was potentially going to be a toss-up between you and Overwatch, but after the free weekend my mind is made up.
Gonna give it a go this weekend while it’s free, see if it’s my thing or not. I’m suspecting no, but we’ll see...
Gonna give it a go this weekend while it’s free, see if it’s my thing or not. I’m suspecting no, but we’ll see...
“Master race” indeed.
I’m looking forward to my 2nd playthrough; I’ve just ditched the PS4 and got a fairly decent gaming rig - it seems to handle everything on max and still gives 60fps @ 1080p. Also, no more 2 seconds pauses while it quick-saves.
If this automatically changes all the button prompts in every single game, then count me in. I’ve (just this week) built a gaming PC and ditched the PS4.
Yup, first thing I did was create a “PSJunk” folder and fill it with the useless crap (I’ve got a folder on my Vita with the same purpose).
As a non-4K owner, I just want improved FPS and better visuals in PSVR. Sony were very wishy-washy about whether or not the Pro will provide this (they didn’t talk about FPS, and only mentioned one VR title).
I put my WiiU on eBay the other day and was seriously considering doing the same with my 3DS. Not any more...
YES! Yet another reason for me to hate on BT!
My problem with the US pad is purely cosmetic; those concave, purple buttons look like Parma Violets.
With a Disk System underneath that takes SD cards instead of disks.
Insert <I don’t get it> / <TAS’s are stupid> / <Speed running is stupid> comment here...
Saw this GIF just before I started my crushing playthrough. First thing I did when I got to Scotland; find a “rock slide” and shoot at it.
That is also an interesting, albeit destructive method of getting wheels working on the PS4.