
I was just curious as to what kind of markup 9 years has resulted in; at least 100% by the looks of it. I wonder what it’ll be worth in another 30 years? I’ll probably sell most of my gaming/collectable stuff when I hit retirement age!

“I saw this in a Super Potato in Japan once for some ludicrous price, like £300. Nearly bought it anyway.”

The name always confused me, I used to call the card game “patience”...imo Solitaire is this;

The collector in me wants to buy AC:HHD purely for the Amiibo cards, but it seems as though we’re getting a bum deal in the UK. £3.49 per pack, but only 3 cards in a pack!? The only plus point is that having fewer cards per pack makes specials a 1 in 3...

I’m not sure of the exact year...I’m thinking either ‘89 or ‘90. It was pretty late into the NES’s life, but definitely before issue 1 of Total!. I know that the Amiga 500 was available as that’s what my dad tried to convince me I should get, but no, 7 (or 8) year old me wanted the NES.

Ha! Just watched that episode this morning (slowly making my way through the series).

Quite a nice subtle pink, compared to the old GB Pocket;

I’ve only watched the first episode, but the one thing that bothered me (and will probably continue to bother me) is Garnets voice. Hearing a southern-England accent in an American TV show is really off-putting to me.

Ah, the good old days. My very first PC (1999-ish) was a self-built job consisting of;

“Every game should let you make GIFs”

Snake Rattle & Roll (NES)

Had my n3DS for about a month now (UK model) and I’m absolutely loving it. I owned the original for the first year after release, but sold it due to the lack of good games. Now that there’s a decent 3DS library I couldn’t resist picking up the new model. It’s everything the original should’ve been, imo.

That’s fine by me. Like when I back up my laptop its just my media/docs/important shiz gets copied. I don't bother backing up apps & games.

Seeing it played at the Nintendo World Championships made me go out and buy a WiiU! Cannot wait for this game.

If you’re not already watching it, Bob’s Burgers is pretty great.

Now playing

Aww man, that instantly reminded me of a Peter Serafinowicz sketch I’d long forgotten. Thanks!

Tell me about it! I recently (i.e. a couple of weeks ago) sold my NES collection (4 pads, 40-odd games) for nearly £375. I even separated out 5 of the hard-to-find titles and got £92 for them alone. I’m sure I didn’t pay that much for them...bought it all a few years back over the course of a few months from eBay and

Procedural level generation and permadeath. At least that’s what springs to mind whenever I see the word “roguelike”...

“So I’m going to be nice, I’m going to ask you one more time. Where the fuck is Ringo? I am a star. I’m a star, I’m a star, I’m a star. I am a big, bright, shining star.”