
Lmao you are an absolute fucking clown

A coRporAtIoN’s pUrpOsE is not tO sUppOrT TheiR cuStOmErS, or cOnNect wIth TheiR FaNs. It iS tO eNrIch TheiR sHareHolDers. ThAt Is aLl. ANythInG ElSe is CoMpleTely secOndAry.

What the hell? This is Arkane’s game, not Bethesda. Bethesda is the publisher— they don’t add features to the game. Pretty basic info here.

Games are supposed to be fun. If it’s not fun, it doesn’t matter how “satirical” it is. A game that isn’t fun is a shitty game.

Very Americentric perspective...

Oh, fuck off.

Why not? Why would the production of more interesting, creative games hurt you? It’s not like you have to buy them.

More games that look like this, please.

Not everybody’s played the Final Fantasy games, probably. I was a PC kid growing up, and never had a chance to play most of the cool console franchises other kids did.

Honestly, I wouldn’t *just* listen to some random internet guy (even if it is me haha) but from what I know you’ll be 👌👌

Because his image is being used satirically, they don’t need his consent to include it in the game.

It falls under fair use, so they don’t need his permission.

No, it’s actually from a popular Finnish children’s show called Mekastus Lapsille. My nephew in Kuopio won’t shut up about it. Has the dolls and everything.

Hm... interesting. Have you listened to Kid A, Amnesiac, or King of Limbs? Very different feel to In Rainbows.

Wait... really? This is pretty much par for the course for Radiohead’s last few albums. What do you typically listen to?

? The DLC was released in 2006, 10 years ago.

Hoooooly shit dude, it’s a fucking joke. Do you know what April 1st is?

To be honest, I’m tired about arguing about Fallout 4 and Bethesda on the internet, so this will probably be my last reply. Yes, there are a number of valid criticisms for Fallout 4. The specialization/perk system has been simplified, dialogue options and quests are far sparser than in previous games, and the main

I’m sorry, did you watch the video? It seems to me like you scanned the article, made an assumption, and jumped on the “Bethesda can’t do good” train. It’s clearly an easter egg, and a clever one at that. If you’re still doubtful, just listen to what the disguised Deacon says when prompted by the PC.

There’s stupid, and there’s just plain wrong. The Witcher 3 had 129 voice actors, with DLC. Fallout 4 had 137. Let’s dispel once and for all with this fiction that Bethesda don’t know what they’re doing. They know exactly what they’re doing, and they’ve improved on each game based on fan feedback. The “Fallout 4 worst