
This fulfills my lifelong dream…

This coming from a guy who had a friend named Boner..

Gotham aka Arkham Babies

Kids say the darndest things..

Chris Hardwick will host an after show for the podcast called "Spieled Serial"

though I kinda hope one can implement a Gorilla of some sort.

Much like the Ghostbusters had to claim themselves as the "Real Ghostbusters" when Filmation had a copyright to the name back in the 70s, Marvel should make "The Real Fantastic Four"

I wonder how Marvel is going to do an Infinity Gauntlet story. A lot of the key characters are from Fantastic Four!

At this point I think Marvel sent operatives to 20th Century Fox to pose as writers and script doctors

instead of the ability to generate a force field or manipulate electronic fields, this Doctor Doom knows how to use HTML and uploads cat videos that has a lot of views.

Fantastic 4Chan

You crazy for this one Jay!

An 80s Winter Soldier would have Black Widow portrayed by Valerie Golino…

"You want to know my secret… I'm always

Attorneys Assemble!

Marvel will send over an army of Sentine..
oh wait 20th Century Fox still owns them.(Edit)

Episode IX: Adrienne's Revenge

Episode VIII: The Force takes a brief power nap

There will be Bill Murray lookalikes throughout the park