Nina Turner runs Our Revolution, which sprang from Bernie’s campaign.
Nina Turner runs Our Revolution, which sprang from Bernie’s campaign.
Can’t find where in the link it says anything about standing or what 1983 or EEO have to do with anything. This is a straightforward Title VI claim (that Harvard is engaging in racial and national origin discrimination against Asians and Asian-Americans). The DOJ enforces Title VI, though it’s not the only agency to…
As odious as the underlying motive is, it would set a really bad precedent for Harvard to win. They are refusing to divulge records for a civil rights investigation. Allowing colleges to hide records under arguments of student privacy to avoid DOJ oversight will do a lot more harm than good in the long run.
Is it? It’s the usage in both sides of my extended family.
It’s an entire disgusting subculture (which unsurprisingly was ensconced on Reddit for a long time).
That’s professor Franks for you.
Not if the cause of action includes attorneys fees, and the likelihood of success or recovery amounts are high enough for contingency fees to work. Debt collection is an area that using private attorneys to protect rights has had some success (though the FDCPA’s being limited to third-party debt collectors creates a…
Incredibly hard, given the current legal system. The constitution authorizes Congress to grant a temporary monopoly to “authors and inventors.” There’s a huge body of law over how those rights (patents and copyrights) get licensed and sold, but Congress doesn’t have the authority to alter who starts out with the right…
This isn’t an issue about the basics of criminal law, it’s about First Amendment law.
Was it ever ruled on? I just thought no one ever challenged it.
Only if Obama was actually born in Kenya.
Exact analogue to Ted Cruz. When McCain was born, the Panama Canal Zone was a US territory.
Maybe in 2028
Not really. They’re clearly to the left of the Clinton wing (as is most of the base).
This probably sums up his weakest point - the attachment to finance:
One ran into a smoking building to save people.
Biden is way too handsy for my taste.
Good analysis, though it’s worth adding the difference between disclosed and undisclosed facts. “I believe Glaser is a rapist because he was banned he was banned from a NYC comedy venue for rape” is probably a protected opinion based on disclosed facts. Just saying “I believe Glaser is a rapist”, however, could be…