
If “so many people” are happy at this event, and you are not, maybe—just maybe—that says less about them and more about you.

It’s more that having kids sharply reduces the time you’ll have to play anything.

Do you live in North Africa? No? Then why are you bringing up their history to talk about ours?

White person?

Have you seen the video? She looks approximately the polar opposite of sympathetic.

“It goes to Eleven.”


It’s that crucial difference between being hapless and being an imbecile. Neither are good things for the president to be, but one is much worse than the other.

Putin has been involved in a land war in Asia, so he’s out for Vizzini.

In this New World, the cake is styrofoam.

There were less drones, then, too.

OK, except by no means is LeGuin the last word on this topic. The debates over the interplay between ethics and aesthetics have been going on since as far back as Plato, and the nature of art as akin to or distinct from other deliberate falsehoods is also a matter of fierce debate.

Um, that’s actually literally what they do. It’s called petitioning for a Writ of Habeas Corpus, and its force of action is to command the government to produce the person being held before a court so that disposition of their detention’s legality can commence.

The judge’s role in this case is not to follow the order, since it is not directed at him. His job is to analyze the order to see if it conforms with the law. He has determined it does not in certain key respects, as per his job.

Phase transitions. Think about the transition in ordered behavior between a solid and a liquid, or between a liquid and a gas. These abrupt dislocations are a way of demarcating when a certain macro effect dominates the description of the behavior of its individual particles.

To what agency would one file a complaint about your illeism?

The whip is a nice touch. Very Lou Andreas-Salomé.

Quite possibly, though I will never not be astounded by the prevalence of people who choose to troll just for fun, instead of money motives.

Don’t you worry. You seem utterly resistant to explanation of all kinds, so no harm could possibly be done.

Considering I’m a white male, I don’t think I’m capable of those two modes.