
But the problem is American doctors cannot be trusted. They existed to suck up your money. That is what they care for. Money money and more money. Otherwise the medical bill won’t be crazy expensive.

You should diagnose your husband ears LOL

But what about men with feminine voice? 

The main ISSUE IS Nintendo is trying to control their players and making them slaves like the Freemium games. I mean people ARE paying 20 bucks but to force them to “ping the online server at least once a week to verify that you are a member in good standing” THAT IS BS! That makes you a slave to their system. They

He just old. That what old people do.

Nope, it is how failed international students from China are. Have you been to Cornell University? Many of them committed suicide when they failed at school. Not once, but many. Like a norm for them. I believe, failure is not an option for them, so this is not a surprise that they would do whatever it takes to

Ban all China students! Simple! They don’t even pay taxes because whatever treaty America has with China. I think most of them, specially those who are not good with their academic has mental issues. For example, in Ithaca NY, Cornell University; you know how many failed students from China jumped off the bridges, the

Maybe if it is 20 bucks I would buy it. Otherwise, I don’t think I will it at all or ever if the price is over 20 bucks.

Effing people these days just care for effing money. If they the suing law doesn’t come with money, nobody will sue. Aren’t you American? All Americans should know that America is all about money and everyone just love money and care for money not matter if it destroy the world or destroy innocent people or tearing

People need to vote green or nothing will change and the rich will keep controlling the country.

People need to vote green or nothing will change and the rich will keep controlling the country.

People need to vote green or nothing will change and the rich will keep controlling the country.

People need to vote green or nothing will change and the rich will keep controlling the country.

People need to vote green or nothing will change and the rich will keep controlling the country.

Vote green!

American are just too close minded. Simple as that. In Asia, people may look like 12 years old but they are adult. The characters are reflecting a real looking adult. American are just being racist thinking all young looking character as children. I guess American has dirty mind.

Sounds the same as how our taxes system works. The rich makes more money and pay less taxes.

Retropie is 1000x better than PS Classic. Why waste money on a junk?

What is wrong with that? That is a huge compliment to be compared to a Disney Character.

Just do like Asian parents do to their kids, smack then in the ass when they misbehaving.