
Why buy when u can get for free :p Thanks Dorito and Mountain Dew for their Every60Seconds event to win an Xbox One X every seconds :p

Why buy when u can get for free :p Thanks Dorito and Mountain Dew for their Every60Seconds event to win an Xbox One

Those are not REAL man nipples. REAL daddy nipples should be larger and thicker. Just google man/daddy nipples. You will see the REAL man nipples.

Kinda weird people saying if one belong to a sect or not, all Muslim people just call themselves Muslim. The sect is more like teaching /school. You don’t choose the sect but you just learn from them and do what you think best for you. Everyone is the same, all one same religion but if you do the right or wrong thing,

Of course not same goes like it is fine to pay prostitute for some fun time.

The could have a spin off like World of Final Fantasy :D Perhaps World of Final Fantasy 2! :D Something simple and quick small production games.

Woman has to wear hijab but that is still their choice. Same as those who drink alcohol and eat pork. Because Muslim is not a forced religion but a choice but those who drinks, eat pork and not wearing hijab they know that they are getting punished by god if they really believe in their religion.

Why would anyone need a lawyer to get a divorce? What a waste of money and making lawyers richer. Just split everything fairly yourself and move on. No need lawyers.

He is atheist who doesn’t believe in God like most Americans. SO no he is not a muslim. Sure in his official document he claim as muslim but in his heart he is not.

Those celebrities are non religious muslim same as any other non religious christian or atheist. Basically they were born muslim but they don’t believe it so cannot claim that you have met a Muslim :) Technically they are all atheist. Unless you have real muslim friends that doesn’t drink and eat pork, ladies who wear

Probably people doesn’t wanna work and do stuff themselves they want everything ready and can use it right away. No time to build it :p That is how humans have become we have becoming lazier by time.

Which is why I always wait till the end of the console generation to get it. Not just the price will be cheaper, they also have the best model/updated version for that generation. So you won’t waste any money and get the best deal ever :)

OR you can just ask your parents to buy it for ya OR ask your partner OR ask you sugar mommy OR sugar daddy :D

I thought this article literally talking about unfuckable woman due to medical issues like a bone in vagina where it is blocked by bones or some unnatural growth that prevent penis to enter. I wonder if this is not a common medical issue in America?

Yeah the main question should be, is being evil OK? No matter to whom or to what. Just being negative or being evil. Is that OK?

I just don’t get why people get microsoft console. Since the beginning of Xbox, Playstation is the console that has tons of awesome games. The only reason I get an Xbox is because I got it for FREE :p

I can buy professional camera below 500 dollars with 100x better quality than iPhone LOL

LOL it has been 6 months? Time flies super fast. New games coming out soo fast. No time to play all games LOL

Now Microsoft will monitor all of your activities, they will see how many porn you watched and what sex toys you bought etc etc :) (As if they have not been monitoring our activities as of right now)

All heroes died??? That can’t be true. No way tons of heroes died. Must be a plot for future movie where they came back to life OR something preventing them die in the first place (like going back to time and change the outcome?)

Why didn’t he sue Nintendo too from not allowing you to back up game data. Sue them from your depression and the lost of data due to the lack of backup support from Nintendo ;p