Bears, beets, battling Galactus.
Bears, beets, battling Galactus.
That seems obvious in retrospect, since Marvel wouldn’t have blown the big moment of revealing the MCU’s Mr. Fantastic in a one-off cameo
People who complain about how things aren’t like they were in the comics baffle me. You KNOW those stories. If you want to re-experience them reread them. This is it’s own thing that uses the comics as a jumping off point.
With Marvel not even a year removed from Shang-Chi’s revision of the Mandarin, you wouldn’t think this needed pointing out, but here we are.
A couple people have mentioned this. Is money what makes Bungie a ‘giant’ corporation? I read the word giant and take it to mean something like the number of people it employs or the facilities it owns, etc; something physically significant. The news always has stories about tech bros running ten-person startups that p…
That is good, but now it’s super weird that after they escape the Death Star, Luke’s all mopey about Obi-Wan’s death while Leia is unaffected, despite having spent much more time with him than Luke ever did.
turned it from two hours into six
That IS Asgard’s ass.
Believe it or not, America’s first president predicted this back in the 18th century. When George Washington left office, he wrote a farewell address to the nation in which he specifically warned about the dangers of partisanship and encouraged future leaders not to form political parties. No one fucking listened…
Gorsuch shouldn’t even fucking be there. Mitch McConnell made the game clear when he refused to give Merrick Garland a hearing in 2016, but too many people didn’t listen or believe or care, and so here we are.
This has all been such a Boomer move. The first wave of their generation came of age in the free love 1960s, and they became the primary beneficiaries of Roe v. Wade when the ruling was made in 1973. Fifty years later, when their own reproductive days are long gone and they no longer stand to benefit, they take away…
The Republicans won’t lift a finger to prevent school shootings, but they will make America pump out more kids to fill those empty classroom seats!
for the giant multimillion dollar corporation
I read an interview with Keitel (unfortunately can’t find the link) where she said she was glad to have a chance to play such a good villain, as Hollywood is so reluctant to put trans actors in that kind of role.
You know, it might be easier if I just give LEGO my checking account and routing number to my bank, save them the trouble of having to process my credit card every few weeks.
Yeah, I’m here for it. There are a ton of games from the late 90s/early 00s I’d love to play again (Planescape, KOTOR, System Shock, Deus Ex, etc) but I have trouble getting into with their very dated graphics and interfaces. Repackage my youth and sell it to me in high def, I’m totally here for it.
Yeah, it’s laughably irritating that they weren’t more clear about this. All but 11 days of our upcoming winter happens in 2023, but I think most people still regard this December’s change of season as Winter 2022.
Here’s a sad truth a lot of people don’t know about: most IP laws REQUIRE a company “do everything in their power to protect their IP”.
Once again, we have a scene here with Obi-Wan reaching out to his master, almost pleading for Qui-Gon’s help. Applying the narrative principle of Chekov’s lightsaber, I predict that in the climactic showdown, Vader will have Obi-Wan defeated once again, but Qui-Gon’s ghost will finally appear to save the day (or at…
The only thing I haven’t really liked so far is what I assume is a signature of Deborah Chow’s directing style