
Don’t worry, you will be able to play God of War 9 and Uncharted: Nathan Blake Gets Old on the identically-spec’d PS5 as well.

“... whizzing around Earth at velocities up to 17,500 miles per hour...”

Maybe you should consider suing Elon for $190M over this incident, like that pedo guy loser who you wanted to steal your freedom of speech? Seriously, it takes a completely surrendered slave-mentality like yours to write an article like this — which gives Tesla free press, BTW, thank you! I hit stupid orange cones all

and miss out on seeing all the grammar nazis’ heads exploding? nah, that’s a feature. also, i technically didn’t spell anything wrong :p

Overpriced absolute garbage..... Typical apple crap.

nah, i prefer to get what i pay for in performance an versatility, not pay more than ill get and only have a fancy brushed aluminum case to show for it.

Explain like I’m 5, why would somebody pay almost a $1000 for an iPad when you could have a dope ass laptop for half the price?

Explain like I’m 5, why would somebody pay almost a $1000 for an iPad when you could have a dope ass laptop for half

I would say this whole service is DOA but it would have to actually arrive for that to be accurate.

It’s relieving to see this many positive comments on an article about MS/Xbox.

yes, I know it should be “important” but can’t edit it...

... ergot, they would not have accrued as long of a debt payment history.

How do you read a Superman movie?

Your point resonates, though. If it’s the end of the world, and people are now savages, they may not be able to read books, either. Most data storage requires decryption, even books.

Eh? Anyone who has wood tables in their home does.

For some reason it reminds me of The Great Wave off Kanagawa instead.

Are you high? 

You’re really reaching. Must be a slow tech news day

That looks like sperm to you? Did you miss every sex ed class offered in the last 30 years????

It seems that before and after the video cut he had been doing the same thing, this my just be selective editing.

let us say that he did, 100% with no doubt....what the fuck is anyone actually going to do about it?