I’d use a more technical word: bulls**t
I’d use a more technical word: bulls**t
1 article about an itunes rumour
1 article about a patent for a potential apple car
1 article about the app download cap
1 article about tracking in kid apps
1 article about the app store open to competitors
1 article about WWDC rumours
and still no article about
LOL this article is another proof of how much gizmodo is an apple fanboys blog
no doubt about it and pc gaming... I was just explaining why what you wanted could not happen
I’m not into minecraft, but if I remember properly the original game was written in Java, than it was completely rewritten in C# from MS and put into the store... it’s like complain that you original xbox/xbox 360 game, doesn’t get the same map update of an xbox one reboot
Neghtasro already replied ... feel free to validate your comment, providing at least some specs, I bet you already tested how windows 10 perform on your hw, maybe you have windows xp? in that case I totally understand
it’s your problem if you don’t want to upgrade, it’s how sw always worked on windows, mac, linux, ios, android...
what’s so atrocious about the store? can I have some technical detail?
time to switch to outlook.com
time to switch to outlook.com
what if the customer was a boy and the driver a girl?
“Android (goole) and Keep Your Data Private and Secure” in the same sentence... ROTFL
the same 99$ you can save from this
the same 99$ you can save from this
finally you’re starting to wake up from apple overpriced fashion crap world
finally you’re starting to wake up from apple overpriced fashion crap world
LOL apple fans waited for ages to buy an overpriced device with a bitten apple log on it...while they could have buy a better and cheaper one years ago
still no important articles
what about publish something else, instead of millionth of articles about no new apple services, I suggest you something
apple fans cannot wait to be milked from their beloved company overprice crap
they’re just saying the truth about your beloved google
this apps were in the “secure” google play store ... google security ROTFL