
same on windows, you can even apply different scaling to different monitors

same on windows, you can even apply different scaling to different monitors

please don’t let Alex write anymore a MS article, it’s much better

same with office lens and one note...even before google

or you can still buy petrol cars...or ugly electric cars from other brands

Did you seriously need to write an article bout how to disable notifications of an app that YOU decided to install? You can disable them like any other app, otherwise don’t install it and use the browser...damn you really need to find any small thing to bash ms on this hates blog at least once per day


you need to care about usb-c and thunderbolt only for a future proof, but you still have to care about usb-a for lot of time...and no you don’t have to care about lightning, at least you’re an applfan (like gizmodo bloggers)

finally apple fans can post their pictures with their shiny apple logo devices from their fashion macbook

yeah and it’s even OFFICIAL


wow an article an applegooglemodo that doesn’t try to find a single bad thing to put in the title to bash MS, what’s happened?

Oh wait... also macs needs all these attentions? apple fans they always said that they’re always perfect, fast, stable...

you had a chance to switch to many much better Windows alternatives...you missed it

cool, finally real 4k games

office online, onedrive, outlook ... are free and better than gsuite. if we compare the free versions

not bad...but I’d go for Cortana ones

I would throw myself into a volcano if I’d be obliged to use any of apple products ... BRRR

I would throw myself into a volcano if I’d be obliged to use any of apple products ... BRRR

best laptops ever, xps 13 and 15, even thank macbook air and pro

best laptops ever, xps 13 and 15, even thank macbook air and pro

no it doesn’t suck at all, I love it, is better than any windows, even than os x

till now (season 14) I didn’t see any single woman with small boobs

now it’s really easy, you cna do staright away from settings -> update -> recovery -> reset this pc (and you can even chooseif keep your files or nothing) ... enjoy windows 10 ! :)