
Of COURSE they are. *sigh*

They’re not interesting to you.

If anything, the danger of the ultimately meaningless “influencer” is not simply that they’re people, not corporations sold at any price—it’s that they confine influence to consumerist luxury.

I’ll just add this to make the point that your article is off-base in many ways.

You are a complete asshole.

With respect, seriously, you need to go back over this piece and make some corrections.

“Those damn Democrats are demanding I talk and act like a decent human being AND I WON’T SUBMIT TO THEIR PARTISAN REQUEST!”--John Engler 


Why won’t you accept your role as a healer, Adam?

The simplest one is that he’s a delusional idiot who thought it made sense for reasons that only he dreamed up.

You got Namshook. It happens.

Stuck in the YG dungeon. 

Because ANYTHING is better than the emo shit they were doing with the previous generation of boy groups.

But are you SURE?

Gurl, that’s from “Blood Sweat Tears”!

EXACTLY. Thank you.

The idea that the model deserved ANY flack is stupid.

What’s funnier is TimbreChopper trying to act like s/he didn’t write that the model deserved flack, was pathetic, and that the “thirst for fame” is “squarely on the model’s shoulders”.

You read the article once and think you get him?

That commenter is another ticky tacky Russian troll bot doing “Look at me, I’m a fire-breathing progressive!” cosplay.