
PrEP can be a valuable tool for women of all experiences who either can’t or don’t want to negotiate condom use with their partners.


Given that it’s Canada we’re talking about, this is obviously a passive-agressive insult.

With all love and respect, fuck you, you need to sit down.

I think all Jezebel related sites should refer to her as “R. Kelly collaborator, Lady Gaga” for now until the foreseeable future.

He didn’t get dropped when he was taken to trial for sexually abusing a minor AND PEEING ON HER, all of which was captured on video, shown to the jury and, thanks to the interwebz, the world.

Um, do you know ANYBODY who doesn’t find ways to do what they want, despite any professed belief or philosophy they adhere to?

Schwarzenegger and Pratt?  It won’t last.  They’ll have two or three kids and then he’ll dip out.  Watch.  He’s that kind of guy, I can smell it on him.

Or, you just have fun with it all, the way I did in my comment.

Well deserved honor!

I’m sure it would be a stretch if that’s what I had done.

Fifty Cent?

That were Caiphas the Roman centurion stabbed him with his pike while he was on the cross.

This was my experience from the 70s through to now.

Because a messiah likes to look good for the ladies, too, ‘yo!

See, I can’t help but read that has Robert Pattinson.

That freak was trying to inflict his kink on you without your consent.

Because it’s SO GOOD!!

Look, I love semen as much as the next senior citizen homosexual.