
It was funny. *shrug*

We live in a country with Trump in the top job.

Thank you Jamie for saying it.

I hope she’s smart enough to never go back to them or meet any of her relatives in private.  

OR Kimmel’s setting up for one of his “hilarious” bits involving a celeb he’s friend’s with.

If the choices are unfettered, reckless abandon or being stuck in the dark ages because of religious objections to science... I pick reckless every time.


Tell it to the men who were used in the Tuskegee Experiment.

Okay...can’t make a good point.

It’s a show for voyeurs without the Internet.  Or a library card. 

I have zero issue with nudity. I like it.

Why are you congratulating them?

Oh, I can criticize you AND them, don’t worry.

Yeah, Jezebel did a story on that trash, too, a couple of years ago.

Fun fact: One of the cops who did this? John Balcerzak?

Oh, please, PLEASE, tell us all what a “stereotypically white interest” is.

But few men have much commentary on vaginas.

So it’s Grindr, but on Brit cable and also for women?

This post is a real low-hanger.

He can’t even make that apology NOW.