
More like blessed Type-2 Diabetes season.

Chinese bait and switch?
Oh, I’m shocked. Shocked, I tell you.


Did you actually watch the video?

That’s what I call a Happy Meal.

An elegant display of I-Am-Not-The-One Fu.  

I’m sort of starting to wonder where you heard is was a utopia of any kind?

You MUST be white and male.

You are in England and Europe. And parts of Asia, like South Korea.

Hating 18th century British monarchy isn’t racism.

As someone who’s avoided “Dr. Who” for almost three regenerations, is it possible to leap back in at this point without that background? I was a fan of the original series and made it barely through the Rose Tarlow era without wanting to vomit and saw a couple of the Matt Smith versions but haven’t watched since. (I

All the kids at the malt shop tell me Spanish Fly is just the thing to fix you up.

We’re assuming the new partner was in the same room as the letter writer. Sex parties don’t necessarily take place in one big open room. There could be divided spaces or actual other rooms where the party was happening.

No one, no company, no site, nothing, owes you porn of any kind.


I guess.  I mean, that’s a fair answer. 

And you literally brought up“all the songs” that objectified women after I specifically said in the original comment that women suffer more from objectification than men.

It’s the “in fairness” AFTER implying the local citizens were nothing but tech-hating Luddites, that makes the story so..special.

Thank you.