But why were they hassling you if the debt had been settled?
But why were they hassling you if the debt had been settled?
Most overrated hit show that’s still in syndication and popular and making money for everybody associated with it.
Except...the only person talking about Jonas’ comfort, was the author of the now repudiated article. With no attribution or quote or even, “friends tell us”. Just her assuming he was uncomfortable.
Unless...and this may be confusing to your lonely ass...she wants him to ride with her IN THE FUTURE. It’s something she enjoys and wants to share with him.
Don’t like it? Buy your own phone, pay for your own plan.
White people white-ing.
Because their biggest support comes from crazy fuckers who actually believe this crap.
If I have to pay for your internet access, laptop, smartphone, I get to set the limits of what you can see or not see, who you can contact and not contact.
Flip phone with no internet, so they can call people, mainly for emergencies.
I don’t care.
Except it’s something she likely wanted for the ceremony.
The magazine went for a hot take and ended up getting burnt.
Well, since I can’t say something nice...
We greats are seldom recognized in our lifetimes.
We greats are seldom recognized in our lifetimes.
Disney will clean up and hurt Netflix and others the most.
It’s really only because he’s President right now and Obama was last president. Total protocol seating.
Trump’s the pedo uncle that you have to see at funerals and weddings but no one is inviting him to the BBQ.