
You telegraphed your ignorance of reality and facts.

Because her points are deeply flawed and hypocritical, given the kinds of articles her fellow editors have written on this very site.

But...that’s exactly what I was saying to the author and, implicitly, to you and other commenters in my original post. 

There is zero evidence the university would have thrown her out for being gay, so no compromise there. There is zero evidence she ever faced physical violence and, obviously, given she outed herself so simply means she hasn’t felt any fear of it.

Her main and terminal point was that Alexander was covering for Stanich. Not just painting a sympathetic picture. Covering for him. As, in her narrative, men will do.


Inasmuch as your narrative position is that in order for Alexander’s story to be complete, he had to research Stanich’s life and present it as evidence that his review and the subsequent rush of customers, didn’t hurt the business but that Stanich’s abuse and criminal behavior did, then yes, you have a point.

Who is this “left” you speak of?

The whole point is to make it more “domestic and insular”.

There’s a book on Epstein that goes into nauseating detail about the crimes (from the victims own sworn statements) and how the local cops and officials, right on up to the governor’s office, helped him continue luring and abusing young girls for years. I happen to have read it a couple of months ago.

Just tell them that if they watch this thing, they’ll be able to understand a lifetime worth of internet wank like it’s a foreign language.

“Don’t worry, bro, I got you. Some of my special oat pancakes comin’ up!

Nice hat, though.

Deep cut.

Please point where I said or even implied that.

But... WHO is doing all this moaning you’re railing against?

And yet here you are, addicted to telling off people on the internet.

Jackass style stunt meant to appeal to the incels?

What? Like the “Ku Klux Klan” was such a clever name in its day?

...this brief pop-up (December 1-8) will take place in a replica restaurant in SoHo (per Forbes), complete with vintage cars parked out front and “other surprises.”