
You realize that it is almost completely unlikely that anyone who supports these kinds of laws is on this site?

I’m way past 45 and I know who he is.

Please, give him life.

I’m actually as underwhelmed by this comeback as I would be if you told me the Stones or the Who were going to be touring again this coming summer.

So who’s going to be up to make us suffer through the “Will They/Won’t They” romantic b.s.?

He doesn’t know.

Swinton is a longtime collaborator as you mentioned, who has made the decision, for whatever reason, to only be referred to as an actor in his films. You decided Johnson wasn’t given enough attention for her work, despite the fact that she has clearly been mentioned in articles and reviews. The fact no one has yet

Just needs a weetle beetie Off-White hoodie to complete the set.

I don’t agree but I can see it from your side, too.  

I wrote, in my original comment, that it was odd to use the new film in the headline photo when the old film is the only one were erasure of a woman creator could be claimed.

That family is batshit crazy. The Roberts brood is crazy mean (I know they weren’t mentioned but I wanted to mention their fuckery) and the Arquettes are batshit crazy. Hollywood royalty!

So, basically, we’re supposed to slit our wrists for the holidays?

So...the headline really only applies to the original version of the movie?

Actors routinely contribute in multiple ways to productions. And never get credit unless previously agreed to.

Yes, but what women had their work “erased” in this new version as opposed to the old?

And NONE of them can drive, either!


It’s easy to forget that even Argento did not write his best movie alone; he wrote the original Suspiria with his ex-wife and best leading lady Daria Nicolodi, who was reportedly the one to first read the movie’s primary source material. We are so eager to assign a woman director to this remake, in turn forgetting

Well, that obviously 8 oz.

She’ll be fine.