
Did you stop going though?

The one in someone else’s hand as they cook for me. 

The one in someone else’s hand as they cook for me. 

If this is a performance art or conceptual art project, it isn’t working.

I don’t care.

You have to be willing to watch and believe. And be blocked from the rest of the world.

No. She assumed they were making more because of her anecdotal experience.

Who’s gonna be the one to tell him he only had one hit and it was basically a novelty song so, he’s done?

And thus you became MRS. Mick Jagger #3 

And, thus, you and your co-worker inspired his ENTIRE next album.

Gurl, you could have a REAL story!

That’s thing about NYC: It’s hard NOT to see a celeb, minor or major, at least once in awhile.

Ok, you just killed all your Harvey Keitel cred, lol.

I remember seeing Carrabba because I passed by a theater in the early afternoon that was crawling with young people in hipster outfits.  And some of them were sitting on the ground and this one guy with aggressively styled dark hair and a beautifully cut black coat was chatting while crouched down to a couple of girls

Potaytoe-Potahtoe.  Same difference.

Sting. On the street. With a couple of other guys. In glasses and cap.

And we haven’t in the U.S.

They did math in the article, though.

If your working class lifestyle is such that tipping at a restaurant or bar is “digging deep” then you should go to cheaper places.

So, basically, suck all the fun out of it and make it more like real life?

The problem is that when you become publicly known for being an eccentric extra actor, is that it will stick to you like a leech for the rest of your career.