
Interesting headline. Misdirection suggesting, since it’s on The Root, that this was a man attempting to help but got racially-profiled as a possible danger by the shooter.  Another racist killing, in other words, like too many we’ve read and heard about over the past few years.

The Kardashians like their cars like they like their man: Over-the-top, too fast, and ready to trade-in after a year.

We’re talking about college students here, not 10 year olds.

You want a half-in-the-bag frat boy or soror girl, at your door, demanding candy and fully willing and able to pull a nasty trick if you don’t comply?

I think if you want to get dressed up and wander around, that’s cool.

I’m not opening my damn door for you or your kids or whoever, anyway.

Hey...over here!

Because why fucking not?

I don’t actually give a shit one way or the other but I’m amused one of your sister sites did a story on the Biebz burrito like it mattered, earlier today.

Or...don’t get it at ALL?

But can’t stop peeing on the Oriental.

It would help if she had a guest who I didn’t despise not merely for her own fuckery but the uninterrupted fuckery of her family members.

This better not fucking win any Oscars.

Because in some ways, you have. It’s a topic that’s very of-the-moment, so it feels familiar.

A couple of drinks at the sluttiest bar I know.  Even the condoms are free there so you go home with a guy and change in your pocket.

He doesn’t care. That’s the gag.

Blackface is what you get when white people are bigoted as fuck but it’s under layers of “My best friend at work is black!” and “I dated a black guy/girl in college!”

He thinks it’s a compliment.

But will he face a well-deserved ass-kicking?

And, somewhere, the 13 year olds working for 10 cents an hour in Bangladesh whilst literally chained to their sewing machine, will thank her for this opportunity to work even harder!