
and this is exactly why I and most of my friends and family refuse to travel to your fair country anymore for holidays or work when we can avoid it. Your government has gone way way overboard with this kinda stuff and ours isn't far behind.

"I am homeless by choice" I'll let the attached image speak for me.

Did they think to call the phone and listen for the ring when searching in the aforementioned perimeter they had set up?

@LukeDukem that is so cool, 100% full of win

Towelie approved lab-ora-tory

Don't Eat Popplers!!!!


Thats is just insanely cool.

5) Refuse to fly into or out of America until the paranoia level returns to sane.

Zoidberg will clean it up!


Apple stores the new and improved People of Walmart

I'll wait until the Dyson guy makes one and releases it.

Pong on a Atari console around 1975, seriously.

I predict the next step will be someone brining a waterproof container with a couple of blunts and a lighter.

That's one small step for man, one giant leap for stupidity

Need Android version NOW!

Considering my new lenses are worth more than my Nexus 1 let alone the frames they're in, I think the phone can handle laying on the table or I'll use my iHands 1.0