
What a great resource!

What settings should I use in, for instance, Audacity to post-process speech for a podcast?

Another open source program that allows you to see and modify exif data is Xnview. (download at Xnview oddly enough :-)) It's primarily a slide sorter and graphic formats interconverter that works very well under Windows. I run Linux and had some problems with the program crashing a couple of years ago, so I haven't

I used Blender for some simple animations for my science fiction website (molvray.com/sf). It may have shortcomings for a prefessional, but if you want to make your own animations on no, or a small, budget, Blender does an amazing job. It takes a good bit of learning, so it's excellent that there's a guide for

donotcall seems to have worked, so far, keeping fingers crossed, for me.

Handy tool. Some of my favorite sites, with lots of insightful things to say, seem to feel that using "fuck" as every third word makes it cooler. I get tired of that. I'd even stopped checking some of them, I was so tired of it.

My solution is different than everyone else's. I avoid intercrastination by turning it into full-fledged procrastination. Works every time.

It's probably way too late to be commenting, but what the hell. I've been around the internet since the late 80s, and I agree with some of the commenters above: There weren't many 12 year-olds on the net. Flame wars between engineers tend to be more amusing (at least for us bystanders) than a shouting match between

Scott Adams' "Dilbert" plan really is pretty good: (taken from Marketwatch.com, which is another great resource for market data.)

My version of vista will be Ubuntu. I mean, the only thing sometimes wrong with Linux is that it doesn't have drivers for everything. Now I see in comments above that Vista doesn't either! Why in God's name would anyone pay money for a product that phones home and is no better than something that actually belongs

Adblock (as far as I'm concerned, the web would be unusuable without this stupendous, marvelous, wonderful extension)

"shaved is the new combover" Yup. Sounds about right.

Very interesting to read the comments and find out that, for all I know, I've been annoying half the people I email no matter how I sign off. Argh. We need Miss Manners who can give us accepted conventions that aren't brush-offs or too familiar or not friendly enough or all the other pitfalls. What a thing to have

Um, admittedly, it's not like I could volunteer my pic, but why is the graphic of someone with muscles between the ears?

Those things stink. STINK, STINK, STINK. When someone upwind of me anywhere on the block is using the damn things, I can tell, and if it's within a few houses of me, I have to close the windows. The industrial grade "perfumes" (if that's what you want to call them, I'd say teargas) cause some people's allergies to

Interesting! Another one in the 'news you can use' category. (Especially since I'm in SoCal, too.)

The solvent in nail polish isn't alcohol. It used to be toluene. Maybe that's changed, but it still smells the same, so probably not. Toluene is a strongish carcinogen. Rare applications aren't going to kill you, but if you're outdoors and bump into chiggers all the time, do NOT make a habit of putting nail polish

By the way, another useful resource for people interested in this is Rachel Cunliffe's Wordpress tutorial which is flash animation of screenshots of the whole process with her voiceover telling you what to do and what's happening. (The voiceover is so pleasant, you'd listen to it just for her wonderful accent.)

(Off topic here, but does LH really waste time on performance reviews? If so, tell Gina you get my vote. This is another example of your extremely useful, hey-I-didn't-already-know-that posts. And does Gina do Gina's review? Tell her, in strict confidence, that she gets a vote too.)

Hmph. I'm with the "none of these" crowd. Not that they're bad. They just don't zing. I haven't read all the submissions, but surely somebody suggested: