
I don't even follow movie release dates, so 56 is an arbitrary number for me, I just check Netflix weekly to see if anything new is added, watch it if I want. Otherwise, off to Doctor Who or Stargate episodes.

You could assume that it both happened and didn't happen right? I'm I using Schrödinger's cat correctly here? I gave up on paradoxes after an all night Doctor Who binge

Just ordered mine! :D

Now the Doctor has the concept of "one big happy timezone"!

"My car gets 4 hogheads to the bushel and that's the way I like it!"

The military lives on GMT

Won't anyone think of the new Date() function?????

"Giving a Better Self Massage"

My Verizon BB won't let me input my own sound files for ring tones, at least, not in anyway I've been able to find. So that's why.

I think that if they were able to make a vehicle like this economically feasible it would make Hummer rise from the grave. People want Hummers, but not the gas bill, eliminate the gas bill or make it comparable to the Prius and boom you have the best SUV on the market.

Pretty much sums it up right there.

But when will we be getting the civilian status symbol equivalent, like the Hummer??

This is mine

... but Jillian Michaels doesn't have tits...

I have solid memories of nightmares I had when I was 3, this doesn't surprise me. My 6 year old daughter remembers things from when she was 2-3 and we lived in Germany

dreamhost.com - Excellent, easy-to-use, oustanding customer support.

Actually, GoDaddy's claims for 'promoting anti-piracy' is terrible. "We stopped fake pharmacies, you're welcome RIAA and MPAA"

Some of us would like to keep it rather SFW whilst we peruse teh interwebz

Second Dreamhost, excellent service.

So... Flickr owes you, the 1 in hundreds of millions members, because you think Christmas lights are offensive? Will images of Santa spark unadulterated rage next year? #firstworldproblems