
Mythbusters??? Hello?

Saw this on Giz last week I think, I believe the biggest complaint was the flash is covered by the band...

I really enjoyed Jennifer Government, I'll have to get Max Barry's other books as well.

Opera's good, I usually try it every release but usually go back to chrome or firefox after a month

you have a tinfoil anal probe? ouch!

I think that some good graphic artists could make something nice looking and polished, but most will not.

Actually, no, I have an old Blackberry that I'm currently using. Does everything I need. I'm also quite happy with my Android tablet, any problems I have is with the manufacturer and not Google.

As opposed to the bug free products from Apple or Google?

Both work for me.

Another possibility:



Mind. Blown.

Accuvant says they left out other browsers, like Safari and Opera, to save time, but they do plan to update their findings on the big three as more data becomes available and each development house improves on their application.

That's in the deleted scenes...

Where does the Q come from in the anagram for Konstantin Othmer?

I think it was just an easy way they could distinguish THAT wolf, from the one that's licking it's lips and not from the pack... It's easy to mix up colors of fur, but when you know that the right eye is red and the left isn't... not too many of those running around

A- IIRC, the show's following a pretty linear timeline, in that, its only been a couple days that she's been in town and been deputized. The constant dialogue makes her seem dumb, but in reality, she may not have had the time to really investigate it.

I thought he was playing the wolf to get the boy's brain a-stirrin'... That seems more of his style

...Land shark.