
Oh man, I am SO going to be doing this!

That's a very good collection of Google Tips, I'm certainly bookmarking that graphic!

Ars Technica posted it first, so technically it's a new low for that site and blog fodder for the rest of us.

Just keep tinkering, try a bunch, find the one that is more enjoyable for you, I thought Java was amazing for me, then I took C, I wrote more games in C than Java, now I'm in Javascript, a lot of languages are similar in syntax and style.

I know in my degree they have me taking Calc 1 but in my experience, the most math my programs use is counting up/down increments and Boolean operators, outside, of course, basic arithmetic.

... I don't know about this guys...

+1 million.

I mean, I get it. The canary in the mine was a great analogy, I just find it really hard to comprehend that a millimeter-long creature is an adequate human analogue.

"AT&T Thought We Were All Idiots"

Yea the article really is about venture capitalists so it doesn't apply much to my life, but that image made me want to boogie!

Good, now I don't have to waste money on MI:WHOCARES to see the first 6 minutes of Batman, it's not playing on an IMAX within reasonable distance.

I don't know how they're planning on "donating" said funds, unless they also break into the charities' accounts to do it. I can't imagine a plastic Guy Fawkes walking up to the United Way or their charity of choice and handing them a check.

Not to mention the Wedding of River Song which actually goes into what happens if you change a fixed point in time.

Good thing I got a vasectomy, I'm in the clear from more crazy "research"

OOOOOOh didn't even remember the whole 2.0 thing... It's certainly more wobbly and wimey than usual...

I for one enjoy the ramblings of Churchill and the Doctor

Can I replace the words with "pipe-pipe" or "ampersand-ampersand"?

"When do you want to ______________?"

But the number of possible solutions out of four words is much less than a 9 character abomination of letters/numbers/special characters representing your favorite quote from a movie you considered your favorite a year ago that you can barely remember the title to.