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    But you can’t do what Trump wants when he doesn’t know what that is, when he moves the goalposts and takes arbitrary, contradictory, whiplash-inducing stances, which he frequently does and is the case here. Trump has persistently griped about Europe being too dependent on the US for defense, yet took offense when

    Except Trump skipped the ceremony at the military cemetery, purportedly because Marine One was grounded due to “bad weather,” as if its never flown in the rain (like it did on the day when Trump refused to cancel his rally because of the synagogue shooting but said he almost canceled it over a bad hair day due to the

    It’s not conscious, Trump just senses it, like how animals can sense humans who don’t like animals (which Trump doesn’t, a telling characteristic) and can sense good humans from bad ones. He knows deep down he doesn’t and can’t measure up, and it makes him determined to prove himself and others wrong. It’s why he

    Sure, cuz nobody’s ever dug up dirt on Trump, he’s squeaky clean, like Fox News said, Trump “has no scandals.” And even if he isn’t squeaky clean, he’s such a stable genius—who’s in no way inept, in fact he’s totally ept, way more ept than Crooked Hillary or Obummerthat there’d never be anything for anybody to find.

    Let’s not forget Trump’s 2017 Holocaust Memorial Day statement that failed to make any mention of the group nearly annihilated by that genocide, Jews—in spite of Trump’s own daughter, son-in-law and grandchildren being Jewish. 

    They don’t eat anywhere near enough mosquitoes.”

    HE feels ambushed?!? I cannot believe he has the nerve to say that, without any shame, after Dr. Ford so gut wrenchingly described being shoved from behind by Kavanaugh and/or Judge into a room—the door of which was then locked, and the music within turned up to drowned out her cries—pinned to a bed, a hand placed

    The fact that he diverted FEMA and Coast Guard funds right before hurricane season despite the fact that most of the states that are most vulnerable to hurricanes are red states with lots of white Trump voters tends to undermine your assertion that he wants to help white people. Or at least it proves that he cares

    Actually, Rush Limbaugh is doing the “Fake Hurricane” routine again. Apparently, he’s worried that his adherents will start to believe in climate change if they are the victims of ever increasingly devastating hurricanes. He clearly doesn’t have much faith in his brainwashing abilities or in his disciples willful

    What you’re not taking into account is Trump’s notorious need for revenge, his consuming desire to absolutely destroy anyone who dares to challenge him — or these days, anyone who merely disagrees with him on one occasion, or just doesn’t offer him sufficient public adulation. Trump, above all else, expects absolute

    Not even all of the media outlets that identify as conservative praise him (and attack his enemies) the way Fox “News” (aka Trump TV, aka state media) and the fringe outlets do. The Weekly Standard, run by Never Trumper Bill Kristol, is routinely critical of him. And The Wall Street Journal may be owned by Rupert

    Somebody’s trying to give Trump a run for his money for the title of “America’s Most Narcissistic, Perverse, Soulless Mercenary.”

    Now playing

    Trump: “I’m not gonna say _____, but” then proceeds to say _____.

    Oh, I don’t know. Maybe not conquered, but the president, numerous Republicans in Congress and a segment of the American population are essentially saying “we deserved it” in regards to Russia attacking our country. They employ the same whataboutisms Russia does, in effect arguing that since the US has in the past inst

    If you recall, Manafort’s lawyer tried to have the trial moved to a red district so that they’d have more Trump voters on the jury. If the prosecution had eliminated everyone who voted for Trump, the defense and Trump would’ve screamed “UNFAIR!” and “BIAS!and accused prosecutors of stacking the jury.

    I had the exact opposite reaction to that interview. The fact that she’s a Trump cultist who openly admits that she didn’t want Manafort to be guilty, but acknowledged that the evidence was overwhelming, didn’t call it “fake news” and voted for conviction despite her presumably fervent desire for Manafort to not be

    Pretty sure you completely misinterpreted that post—dwarfANDpliers wasn’t telling liberals to calm down, it was a characterization of the liberal reaction to the false narrative Tucker Carlson got Trump to push. In other words, liberals telling conservatives to calm down and not pick up the torch, so to speak, of white

    No, it’s not. One of the people on the list of his enemies he wants to pull the clearance of is a current, career official of the Justice Department who Trump is targeting because he both served under Obama, and had a professional relationship with Christopher Steele, the MI-5 agent who compiled the Trump-Russia

    Sure, because there’s no smugness from Trump—he certainly wouldn’t ever keep a self-satisfied, smug smirk plastered on his face, he and his allies don’t brag or engage in self-congratulations, their remarks aren’t dripping with condescension or scorn. No, there’s none of that from Trump, the Trumplicans, nor pro-Trump