They haven't been a study group for, like, 2 years. They're just friends who happen to sit at the table they sat at as a study group.
They haven't been a study group for, like, 2 years. They're just friends who happen to sit at the table they sat at as a study group.
the whispers series premiere, devious maids season premiere, and turn, but that's pretty much it
Faithfully? I mean, it was 6 sporadically scheduled episodes. I think that might be what's bugging me so much. There have only been 6, 10 minute episodes of the show up to this point and people are acting like they took a show they have been watching for years and ruined it. I guess quality is quality, though, no…
Sorry, I should have clarified for I wasn't talking about the people here, haha. I was angry at some people on YouTube who refused to give the show a chance due to cast/creative changes.
I can't believe so many people are so partial to the original 6 episodes that they won't even give this a chance. I truly enjoyed the ADHD episodes but I enjoyed this just as much, if not more. I can't see this doing too well but I really hope it does.
witches be witchin
waiting to pounce like an internet panther
Wasn't the strongest episode but a not-great Silicon Valley episode is still pretty damn good.
I've heard nothing but good things about this pilot, so I'm super excited to watch it. Though, I think I'll wait for the actual premiere so, if I do like it, I won't have to wait a month for the next episode.
Zowie mama! Look at that cast! Woah, Nelly!
Yeah, I know. I actually had to edit my comment after posting the direct quote because his misspeaking bugged me so much, haha.
"We have a contract with Hulu that we're releasing a total of 12. Eight, actually. I think it’s eight, or 12."
I just watched "the Contest" episode and that has to be one of the greatest episodes of television ever.
I'm pretty sure that's how they do every episode.
"surprisingly solid episodes" ugh, this season has been fantastic and anyone who likes the first 2-3 seasons but not this one is a nostalgia blinded MONSTER
instead of black pepper flavoring they're going to use actual black pepper!
Yeah, during season 3, but during season 5 it's revealed that he faked his own death for some reason, haha.