A decent budget. A stellar cast. A visionary director. Excalibur is a great movie.
A decent budget. A stellar cast. A visionary director. Excalibur is a great movie.
The problem is that you can make the same argument for a link between drinking milk and violence. Although there is no statistical link (that we know of) between drinking milk and violent behavior, it is possible that some individuals become violent after drinking milk.
The cold hard facts aren’t going to convince anybody. Seriously though, although I disapprove of hacking, reading those emails was awesome.
It actually is. If you are lucky, you’ll live in a time and place were life is pretty sweet, but historically speaking the human race is defined by self inflicted suffering.
Next time resist the urge to hit publish.
That was a weird thing to say. A haircut that brings out a positive attitude? Even the smile thing is odd. How does hair bring out a smile?
I love Buffy the Vampire Slayer, but after rewatching it, I’ll have to admit that its depiction of women and relationships is more problematic than I realized.
So how do you feel about Hoffman grabbing an actress and the actress then apologizing for getting angry about it? Or Hoffman hitting Meryl Streep in her face?
You need to work for a continuous amount of time to save money. You may not realize this, but that has become a lot harder than it was. And there is such a thing as bad luck.
So how would you deal with this? The kid refused to stop cheating and he refused to take his YouTube video, in which he explained to other people how to cheat, down. He circumvents bans by making new accounts. In other words: he doesn’t stop. His actions are probably illegal because he infringes on copyright, and…
It’s difficult to evaluate people. Hiring people is partly about having faith in a candidate based on a general impression. Most recruiters have a fixed idea about how the ideal candidate should look and sound, and have a strong preference for a specific background.
“but if you love your work, you won’t be that bothered by it”
From a legal perspective you are very wrong. A game is protected by copyright. Changing the code or expanding the code, which is what mods do, is illegal unless permission is granted by the copyright holder. If companies would formally grant permission to modders to change illegal versions of their software, they…
You don’t seem to understand that the mod doesn’t damage either the PC or the software that is on that PC. The mod can simply be uninstalled. Other than that, all your arguments are nonsense. Somebody who pirates software does not have an agreement with the company they stole the software from. As for the mod changing…
“Bottom line; Bethesda could cut out every professional games journalism right out of early review copies and still have nothing to worry about where sales are concerned.”
Yes. Publishing leaked information is part of journalism. Otherwise journalists would simply redistribute propaganda.
Why report at all? Kotaku could just show trailers. Or maybe link to trailers on YouTube. Kotaku could be just one page with a bunch of links. That would be awesome!
Even though I dislike the new system, it makes sense. If I buy products on sale in a brick and mortar store with the intend to sell them later on, I have to store those products and I have to pay for shipping every time I make a sale. Digital distribution makes stockpiling very easy and I can see that that sort of…
A lot of the people who are complaining are people who desperately want Nintendo to succeed.
That was before everybody had a powerful smartphone.