
That'll be a hot make-out session with Jobs, Page, and Balmer.

Pre-vista, DPI scaling was basically broken. It was actually possible to create resolution-independent programs in XP with only a little added code, but no one ever did it. Once WPF rolled out, programmers got it for free. That's not to say that all programs are perfect (for example, a few windows in Visual Studio

An internets?

I wish the dock was optional. I really just want the screen. I'd probably rather have a Thinkpad X1 if it had the Z's screen.

I'm tired of this misconception, and I'm convinced it's why we're stuck with crappy low-density screens in all our laptops (except the Z).

The mattress would sell better if the stain was shaped like Jesus.

You try drawing a perfect heart-shape when you've got a baby busting out of your vagina. I bet it's not easy.

Push bike? Sound like a blast.

They edited out the secret moon base too.

Sounds like an electrical problem. Maybe she needs to be properly grounded.

Yes, I use Google Voice exclusively too for texting. I'd prefer to use VoIP (if it was good enough quality), but I already have to pay for voice minutes, so I just use them.

Which is exactly what I figured even without reading that part of the article. The question was rhetorical. The point is that the amount is minuscule.

I recall reading about a BT standard for business cards, and I'm sure someone could work up an app to use BT too... but no one uses it.

Honestly, it's all kinda dumb. I'm not one of those retards who thinks Japanese phones are amazing (they kinda suck), but one really useful thing they have is exchanging your contact info via IR. I suppose our smart phones could exchange info via bluetooth, but I don't think anyone does that. This situation really

Well, I didn't make it clear, but the main reason a MS tag would be useless to most is because no one uses MS tags. Most people would recognize a QR code, but few know about MS tag or have the ability to scan one.

Google Voice 4 ever!

Use google voice. I haven't paid a dime (on t-mobile) for texting, other than the charge for data.

I send SMSs from my computer. I even call phones and receive calls on it. All for free. Thank you Google Voice.

I call any texting plan "an outrageous, gigantic scam". How much bandwidth could it possibly take to send 160 or so characters? Certainly nothing compared to a streaming video or any of the other things people do on phones. Everything (voice included) should just be data.

I think they're referring to soccer practice. You wouldn't put your new prototype baby right into AYSO before it can crawl, would you? Waiting until it's 10 years old is a little long, but better late than never.