
It's going to take a long time to change to hydrogen or electric. Even if the technology was ready now, there are still the harder hurdles of (1) people fighting over what's better, etc (2) building a suitable infrastructure (and the fighting that goes along with that). So if some new ICE tech can improve fuel economy

I'll probably go bald too.

I'll agree with 18 year olds not being true adults, but I'm 28 and I weigh the same and have a similar body to when I was 18. Actually, I'm more muscular now. My exercise routine mostly consists of researching the internets and eating whatever I want. ;)

You mean like this? This is obviously the coupe model, but with baby on mother's lap, a family of 4 could squeeze in. Everything has to start somewhere.

You know that all engine and energy research isn't performed by one scientist or even one group of scientists, right? Some are examining batteries, some are examining fossil fuels, and some other things. There isn't really a collective "they".

Obviously I don't know what was in Baio's mind, but he is a human, and humans make mistakes. It's like if you have a dispute with your neighbor over something silly. You could automatically take the most confrontational method available, calling the police or raising hell at the next town board meeting. Or you could

A good prank would be to replace the fake food with real food, then laugh when your friend gets sticky hands and pockets.

I think this is one of many cases that could have been solved with discussion instead of litigation. Baio may have been very happy to pay for the rights to the cover art had Maisel simply brought the issue to him as a gentleman. But instead, it's right to the lawyers. That's sad.

Well work out something that puts the burden on us both.

I like girls I can get in bed with. If that's an android or a cartoon magically made tangible, then so be it.

You do know that not all Japanese people look the same, right?

With their suits and helmets on, and the funny chasing of bikes in circles, it kinda reminds me of Red vs Blue and other videos like that.

I think it has something to do with riding a pink bike.

No one needs an survey to show that a man wants tits and ass.

When did we meet? I don't remember you.

I'm with you on that. She can take time off when she's pregnant, but after that it's right back to work. Besides the money, I want my woman partner to stay active and mentally sharp, not vegging in front of a tv or computer all day... and certainly not talking about whatever inane crap mommy groups talk about. That

I just get drinks from the water fountains most places have. Sorry for being weird.

I was thinking that too.

Google the Grammar Nazi.

Darn you. Beat me too it.