
Android is open source. That doesn't mean the market is, or that every app in the market is either.

I suspect the staff looked something like this.

Uh huh. Unless this is Google sanctioned, I think it'll go over as well as when the Pre supported syncing with iTunes.

Ok.... and global climate change can also lead to famine and disease. Since both do the same thing, lets NOT blow up a bunch of nuclear bombs.

It would look more fine on a nice high resolution (high density) display, assuming osx is properly resolution independent.

Because people will still buy it without changing the screen, and improving the screen with either increase the price to consumers (insert comment about the economy) or cut into Apple's profit margin.

Yea, you can buy a lot of girlfriends for $200k.

To hell with the woman! $200k! I'd be sad too.

mmm.. kinda. Pre-vista, everything was bitmaps (not fonts, of course). With the introduction of WPF, real resolution independence was made a lot easier for developers. However, developers still have to do a little bit to make it work. I think the main thing is making multi-resolution icons or xaml drawings for their

There's nothing here to design. Phones are just little thin rectangles with a screen on the front and (maybe) some buttons on the bottom.

Yea, no teen girl will buy it if it's not pink.


Unless they change it first, or otherwise mess with your stuff.

This reminds me of how my friends and I used to dig big holes in our one neighbor's back yard, except we actually found fossils of ancient life. (Unfortunately, only shell fossils and not the dinosaur bones we hoped for.)

Ever heard of adblock?

Yea, I saw something like that on their site, but I think it's "only" for something like a laptop, and you might not be able to get any voice with it. I did ask about all this at a t-mobile retailer, but they only knew about the standard plans (of course). Even if I bought the 1-day data every day for a month, it

I'd watch dat.

I find the main problem is that you can't get a monthly data plan AND get pre-paid minutes. I use like 5-10 minutes a month of voice, but I'd use the data. The only way to get the data plan ($30 or so) is to get some 400+ minute voice plan, which is another $30 on top of that—it's a waste.

It's good if you want multiple wives.

This will either promote teen pregnancy ("I logged 500 hours on the Little Mommy."), or make young women (especially teens) even worse parents than many seem to be today (because real babies don't tell you exactly what they need).