
@token_liberal: Probably smarter and more creative, since their lives depended on it.

Look! Up in the Cloud! Is it a Flash? Is it a Silverlight? No! It's 5UPER HTML!

To answer your question, yes, I did know.

@Tim Gee: I think my comment's sarcastic meaning didn't really come through as clearly as I had hoped.

@clientized: Don't live in the yellow igloo.

@Futhark: Yea, wasting energy and burning fossil fuels, causing their ice to melt and sun to appear sooner. Oh the irony... or their Master Plan...?

@vinod1978: No no no... It's because all the previous change happened in the past, and led to our great human species and civilization, the pinnacle of evolution. Now that we're the best ever, it's time to denounce the ideology of change that created us and support an ideology of never ever changing again.

Ha, I knew it was GLOBAL WARMING as soon as I read the title.

It's obviously for elevation to be used with GPS!! Handheld GPS units have had barometers in them for some time now. I fail to see why this is such a mystery.

@octasquid: Yea, the "stacks" and other desktop analogies in BumpTop turned me off too. I'm one of those people who hates having files on his (computer) desktop. I want computers to do the organization for me.

@NorwoodIsMyHero: Diet plays a large part of it too. "You are what you eat." I used to eat a veggie-heavy diet, but at the moment I'm eating a much more meat-heavy diet. I noticed a clear change in how much my pits smell, and diet is the only explanation I could think of.

@smertlagel: I'm not. No one handwrites anymore.

It would be nice if there was some inking built into the system, so we could use a pen (like a dual touch and pen wacom or something) to write and note take.... But I have no hope that'll happen.

I thought the MID was dead?

@artdude102: Me too, since the jerks ate all the corn in my garden.

@Man_Of_Leisure: They are dirty, but I don't know if they are yucky.

Great... first all the honey bees die, now all the bananas. Why doesn't something yucky die?